
IM looking for a new favorite baseball team heres some choices for you?

by  |  earlier

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1. red sox














  1. y r u looking for NEW team y don't u stay w/ 1 team?  that's unloyal, no matter how bad your teams doing u should stick w/ them

  2. RED SOX First Choice

  3. Cubs!  they are a media darling and always get their good media attention not to mention they are one of the best teams in baseball

    Plus they have the best stadium which is also the most classic in Wrigley Field!!

    Go Cubs!

  4. pick ur local team watever tht would be

  5. anyone but Yankees

    Pick Cubs

  6. The River City Rascals.

  7. cubs! go to wrigleyville on a saturday night and you'll know what im talking bout!

  8. Marlins is a young talented team and they are really exciting to watch... Go FISH...

  9. Phillys

  10. bandwagon Jumper

  11. Yankees

  12. Brewers.

  13. Here's my suggestions.

    1) Examine where you live.

    2) See some games on TV and try to get out to the local ballpark.

    3) See what you like and dislike about the team, its history, its fans.

    4) Go with what makes you comfortable. You should NOT root for a team simply because it's the "chic" pick and all your friends or a bunch of people on Yahoo Answers say you should root for them.

    I'm one to root for hometown teams (Yankees, Jets, Knicks, Rangers) and I usually loathe folks who ride with teams outside of their hometowns, but I know a lot of fans who decide to root for squads away from home. That's their thing. I don't like it, but I'm not them.

    All I ask is that whatever team you choose, you remain loyal to them. Don't hop off to find a new team if your team doesn't make the playoffs for a few years or drops a playoff series in a painful way. If you're gonna be a fan of a team, stick with them through thick and thin.

  14. wow. uhm join the rays bandwagon. or maybe the brew crews.

  15. The yankees are the "Winningest team is Sports History" - Creepy announcer guy

    who wouldn't like them?

  16. Brewers rock

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