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Im 15 years old (4 get that) i keep telling my mum and dad that im going to get my tongue pierced but they say that i cant .. and if i do then im cant come home for days!!! Im old enough (15 year olds are aloud it if they go with someone over 20 years old) But i was ment to get it done yesturday with my friend.. but i didnt go so she went with her dad.. i wanted to give my parents one more chance to look into it.. ask around and if they wanted to .. to support me by going with me (i no for a fact that it dont hurt)

But im thinking about getting it done 2moz.. but i duno whether i should.. ALL of my aunties and uncles have said there being mean that they should come with me.

But i duno whether to get it done 2moz or not and its my dads birthday on Thursday

I no that my dad will go mad and will have to call the police before he does anything bad (he has a horrible temper)

Once i get it done im going to organise to stay round different peoples houses and im going to text my parents




  1. First of all, you said you might text them saying, "i gave you at father a chance to look into all of the information.. if you did look into information and found that it was really bad.. then i wouldnt have bothered with getting it done but you left me no choice because you never asked anyone or searched on the internet."

    My first question is why didn't *you* "look into information" on your own?  You could have found "that it was really bad" (possibly) yourself and made your own decision based on what you learned yourself, never mind your parents.

    As a mother of a boy who's now grown and also wanted piercings when he was your age, I think your parents are being pretty harsh to say you can't come home if you do get your tongue pierced.  (My son just wanted his ear pierced, and I took him to get it done so I could make sure it was done safely.)  Personally, I don't like tongue piercings because I've read it's very bad for your teeth, but I'd never tell my son he couldn't come home if he had it done!

    It sounds, though, that you have a good relationship with your parents to try to give them every opportunity to see your side of things, but you'd also like them to be on your side in this.  I'd say to both you and your parents that a tongue piercing is not something worth upsetting that relationship over.  I'd suggest that you talk with them and explain to them *why* you want to do it, and they should explain to you why they *don't* want you to do it.  

    Your feelings count, it's something you're doing to *your* body and you're legally old enough to do it, but their feelings count too.  They love you and just don't want to see you possibly harm yourself.  It won't hurt either of you to wait awhile, get as much information as possible, and then maybe have an adult discussion about it.  I always told my son that I'm happy to treat him as an adult, as long as he takes the responsibility to act like one.  (And parents have to do that too, by the way.)

    Good luck to you and your parents. xx

  2. The tongue piercing is a bad idea as the ball part can chip all your teeth , they will decay and you will have problems with your teeth.

    You are young to make a decision like this. Wait till you are a couple of years older and see if you have changed your mind.

    Your parents love you and want to protect you so listen to them,

    . Tongue piercings are pretty ugly and you will be looking to go into the job market soon so think on as some employers will frown upon it.

  3. Look here you spoilt brat:

    1st of all how do you know it doesn't hurt?

    2nd where are you going to get the money?

    3rd how upset do you want your dad to be on his special day?

    4th do you really want to become a burden living at friends houses?

    5th what benefit will it have to you?

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