
IM so tired of reading and hearing about a possible recession!!?

by  |  earlier

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Im sorry but Im a strong believer that the media is controlled by people who want to inflict fear into peoples minds for dependant reasons. I see it when I read about recession this,recession that. Im tired of it. Just becuase some money is lost to the supergreedy at the stock exchange,it shouldnt change my life...your life. Same thing with sep, 11. The media got everybody scared of terrorist that nobody wanted to fly. Why should 2 destroyed buildings effect americans over 1,000 miles away? We are stronger than that. DO YOU AGREE WITH WHAT I SAY? watch part 2 of the film, if you want to open your eyes.




  1. Do agree with most of the answers above---but there is a real risk of a different type depression not recession in this nation---brought on by the monetary system instituted in 1913 and could be on its death bed. Many people other than Ron Paul have written and spoke about this-----its not the R word I fear it is the D word.

  2. i think that the only reason the mass media is following this story is because it wants you to think it is legitimate... i dislike the CNN AND FOX NEWS with a passion. ive been hearing about a recession from other sources besides the main media. theres people that have been talking about it on youtube for over a year. i dont think mass media has been talking about it that long.i have seen zeitgeist and another documentary you might not have seen called endworld (i think)... the media is more concerned with other things at present moment (the presidential stuff) and it is trying to get all people to discredit Ron Paul because he represents a diminish in governmental power. Ron Paul also opposes the  federal reserve's monopoly on money production.

  3. Yes I do agree with you.I hear and read about recession in the headlines but that's not what I see in this country.The hype really gets bad during election years.If there's not a mainstream problem they create one.Then build their campaign around it.

  4. The media sells fear.

    They have been talking about a 'possible recession' since Bush pulled us out of the last one.

  5. It's a recession - last year was 1991 and this year is 1992.  Remember when Bush said "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then he raised taxes because the economy was f*cked?

    It's happening again, thanks to the son.

  6. No question about it -- the media definitely has an agenda, and part of that agenda is to cause widespread panic.  Why do you think the mainstream liberal media is on a global warming crusade?  Ditto that for the coming recession (IF it's really going to happen) and 9/11.

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