Ok, I'm writing a Screenplay. It's a Christmas Comedy Thriller with an intricate Agatha Christie style Murder Mystery & I'm in the process of writing the final scenes BUT i need YOUR help: The Plot is quite heavy & I'm afraid there won't be enough time to show everything in the last 5/ 10 mins of the Feature. Should I let the audience know who the Killer (Mr.A) is a few mins BEFORE the Climax of the Film so as to shed @ least SOME light on the plot? If I do, it'll be such a massive "aha!" moment in the Film as the audience will also get to see who is masterminding it all too as it is this Character, Mrs. Jessop, who is talking to the Killer.
I could let the audience know SO much in this 2 minute Scene & this would leave adequate time to explain everything else. BUT would doing this ultimately ruin the Climax of the Feature, when the Killer, (Mr.A aka. Louisa Shaw), DOES take off her mask just 5 minutes later??? I was also thinking of the Killer NOT removing...