
IMPORTANT!! help lose weight and get toned!?

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I am 15 years old and i weigh 142 pounds and im only 5 ft. 3in. I run track but i havent done it in about a year and half and i put on 20-30 pounds since then. i don't know what happened but i know i didn't exercise and i ate a LOT of food. i wanna get in shape for track this upcoming february! i need to be at least 115 pounds. i just don't have the motivation. i say to myself ok i will run a mile but then it never happens. should i belong to the gym thats a mile away? so i can run there and go to the gym then run back? does anyone have a diet plan, weight loss exercise plan, or ANYTHING to help me?? thanks so much!




  1. go play sports!dance and learn martial arts...get a dog and take it for walks daily...avoid all sugary/alcoholic drinks,fasfoods & junkfoods.

  2. Well... getting motivated is your first step.

    1) Get a friend to do the same workout plan as you. It seriously works, I swear. Because when you're not in the mood to work out, your friend should be the one to push you and get you pumped to get up and go. Same thing for when your friend is the one who's not feelin it. You guys could even make a game out of it to see who can do more and make bets. Loser fills the other's gas tank. (I bet you'll be a little motivated then!) haha or it could be loser buys lunch... or something small...

    2) Download a lot of fast pace music that makes you happy and in a great mood and put all of them on a playlist on your mp3 player and sing the lyrics in your head to every song when you work out... On a treadmill or running outside, this does wonders... A lot of the time I forget that I'm even running.

    3) Buy a clothing item or break out an old one that you can no longer fit and hang it in your kitchen.. preferably next to the fridge or snack cabinet. TRUST me, you'll think twice before you get ready to throw down on some cookies.

    As for exercising, workout 6 days a week, resting for one day. That gym idea sounds great... maybe do cardio (like running) for 30 minutes up to an hour a day. Include strength training afterwards, like crunches and lifting light weights (3-5 libs) for toning up.

    I have a fun abdominal exercise you might or might like.. But I find it fun rather tan crunches. Make sure you've got a lot of room on a carpeted floor. Sit indian style with your hands clamped to you legs (shins) and roll around the floor. Because you're not using your arms and legs, you only using momentum and abs to roll. Do it for like 10-15 minutes during a tv show until a commercial break. I laugh the entire time I do it, (which is double the strength training because laughing works your abs as well!)

    Just try some of these things, and good luck! I hope I helped.

  3. Well There are 6 things u can do:

    1) The 3 day diet which works like a charm (lose 10 pounds in 3 days) - I lose around 9-14 pounds in 3 days! Very good diet plus u could eat icecream for desert! Link is Below:

    2) You can do the Atkins Diet and eat only 10g of carbs a day like eggs, hot dogs and all proteinsu would like, but i probably wont recommend this, because ull increase u cholestrol, but u will lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks

    3) You can do the 7 day diet, which also works like a charm, its hard to stick on BUT U get good results:

    DAY 1- ALl fruits u want except banans (EAT ONLY FRUITS)

    DAY 2- Eat all vegetables u want (NO POTATO NO CORN)

    Day 3- Eat all veges and fruits (NO POTATO< BANANAS< AND CORN)

    DAY 4- 3 glasses of skim milk and 3 bananas

    Day 5-7: 3oz of protein plus unlimeted Green vegges

    LOSE 10-17 pounds in 1 week!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4) You can do the scarsdale diet which is a really good diet!

    Lose 20 pounds in 14 days

    5) You can do a 800-1000 calorie diet, and lose like decent amount of weight

    6) Lose 2-3 pounds of week! by eating 1200-1500 cals and excersising




    - Hajra

  4. well twenty pounds isnt that much to lose so you should be able to lose it pretty fast......start off slow and than build up. Start with just running half for a few days and than build up that ALWAYS works. As far as a diet just watch what you eat, dont eat alot of sugars, count your calories, and eat about six small meals spread acorss the day............keeps your metabolism up

  5. Abs exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolism and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main secret revealed in the'Truth about Six Pack Abs Program'.

    In no time, you will be eating smarter and looking leaner. 'The Truth about Six Pack Abs' eBook will show you how to get lean and stay lean for life. This eBook is the complete solution for life-long results.

    For, More Information, visit this site

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