Me and a friend of mine are living in an apartment owned by the university, and it's a three persons apartment. So when our last roommate left, we had to choose a new one. We did, but she turned out to be nothing like what she said she was in the interview.
The week she moved in, she made a new cleaning schedule and rulebook, and as soon as we didn't stick to it, she would come and preach to us like a mother to a ten year old child. We'd just tell her "Fine, we'll do it next week" because we realized that there was two of us and one of her, so we wanted to be open to her say in the house as well.
However she has gotten more and more extreme. She also goes to bed at 10 and gets up at 8 in the morning - this is fine, but as soon as she goes to bed, she suddenly hears EVERYTHING apparently. She came to complain in a very harsh tone several times, while we were just talking at normal volume at 10.30 at night. This is a student house... and we don't even party or play loud music or anything. We get quiet at 12PM , and even when we're not quiet we are reasonable. But she always just had this dictator-air about her, so we always just said "sure". I know we shouldn't have, but it wouldn't have helped anyway to stand up against her. It's not that she doesn't understand.
This morning she got up at 8 and started making VERY MUCH noise. Turned on the laundry dryer, yelled through the hallways at her friend who was staying with her. When just now I asked her to please be more quiet from now on, she got all self-righteous and said "Well if you start getting quiet at night!" and I don't even make a SOUND at night. I don't play music, I have the TV on the lowest possible volume, if I talk it is at normal volume and for short periods of time, and always before midnight.
She also approved of me getting a cat in the apartment, but then once we had the cat she suddenly got all frantic and started forbidding him to be in the kitchen or her room because he is 'filthy' (she is training to becoma vet... good luck).
After the attitude she just gave me I said "I didn't know we still bothered you, why didn't you say so." She said "I've said it plenty of times." and then I told her that I always tried to keep her in account but I can't smell what she can and can't hear so she's gonna have to tell me. She stormed off and she's been moping since. The problem is she is not a spoiled little kid kind of person.... she's a farmer's daughter so to speak. Not really into sensitivity.
And I'm tired of it. What should I do? Should I look her up and stand up to her even though she is constantly storming off now, or should I just ignore her and live up to her idea of making noise at night until she leaves. I am telling you, I'm a communication person but she is impossible to negotiate with. There is no middle way, only her way. We can't ask the landlord to do something because she's not on drugs or anything dramatic like that.