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i have 2 paradise fish 1 rainbow shark, three corey cats, and 5 zebra danios.should i get rid of the danios and add other fish a lil bigger like my others to make the tank more compatibale.can i add 1 more paradise fish or something cory cats are safe right?all tips and advice would help alot.




  1. As long as your 2 Paradise fish are a male/female you should be fine.  Smaller fish, like neon's, etc...would probably be gobbled up.  But your Zebras should be O.K.  They are best in groups of 5 or more and 5 is a good number, but in the tank you have you could add a couple of more.

    I would not add another Paradise fish, but maybe some Cory Cats.  3-5 or more is best as Cory Cats are very social.  5 is a good number for you size tank.

    As for the Rainbow Shark, he should be fine also.  No more of this species, cause they usually get aggressive with their own.

    The Paradise fish is aggressive and can bully tank mates, however, with small schools of 5 they should be OK...make sure your tank has plenty of hiding spots and medium to heavy plant cover (plastic or silk).

    Best of Luck!

  2. every thing is fine and you should really get a larger tank

  3. you fish are all safe and there is no reason to get rid of your danios they will be fine in your tank, although you may want to consider getting more cory cats they tend to like being in groups of at least six.

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