
IN So much pain. please help!

by  |  earlier

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since last night i had rly bad pain in my lower stomach. i had it all day. ive had an apitite and have not vimited. i have normal bowel movements. right now it has gone from pain to a stomach ache. what could it be? PLEASE HELP!




  1. is it mostley on one side or in the middle , have you been checked for ovarian cyst?  

  2. FYI, in response to some of the answers here, I can assure you it's not your appendix because I've had my appendix out and you definitely don't have an appetite and you usually throw up at least once.

    Since it hasn't been that long I would probably wait at least until tomorrow to seek medical attention.  It might just be something you ate.  If it keeps up and/or gets worse, though, you should really see a doctor tomorrow.

  3. sunthing u ate

  4. It could be from a simple gas pain to something serious.

    cut down on soda and drinking from a straw, eating fried and or fast food. If you dont get better by tomorrow you might want to call your doctor.

  5. gall bladder or kidney stones go to the emergency room because this could be deadly don't play around or you could end up worse or even dead could also be apendisidase

  6. is it on your lower right side, because that would be your appendix. You could also go on  

  7. a reason to talk to a doctor instead of the open web

  8. Go to the doctor.  No one here can diagnose this for you.  

  9. ?

  10. i am sorry. i dont know what it could be. go see a doctor. first take some pepto and aleve. then go to the doctor.  it could also be your appendix or something farily close.

  11. may b ur sick take a few day and let it heal!

    or c a doc.

    take some meds!

  12. bug

  13. if it feels like a gas in your upper groin area you might need to eat some bananas. I've gotten that and the bananas helped alot but if its on your right side go to the docter ASAP

  14. it can be anything....if the pain is really that bad, you should go to your local E.R. or see your regular doctor.

  15. Stomach pain can be almost anything because you have so many organs so close together there.  You need to see your family doctor ASAP, or if the pain is really unbearable then go to the ER.

  16. go to the doctor it is hard to tell what it could be.

  17. Go to ER. You need to be examine by a doctor.

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