
IN YOUR opinion, :-) what are the main goals of women's studies?

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I just wanted to see how everyone felt about what the goals of these type of classes and studies are compared to my own.




  1. I used to believe what the feminist movement said until I studied two undergrad gender modules and found that they presented misleading information as fact - by far the most academically invalid courses I have even been on which is proably why the subject is no longer available as an undergrad degree

    Others have made observations about WS that you should check too e.g.

    Beware of feminist propaganda dressed up as 'education'.

  2. I took women's studies classes to learn about women in history since I had heard about around 6 women during 12 years of public school. I also wanted to find out why so few women were involved in politics and why so few were in positions of authority in the business world (this was the 1970's when few women were in politics and most women were employed as teachers or nurses or beauticians).

  3. Being on THIS womens studies FORUM has shown me that feminism has become a bad word, equalism has become A word, even feminists themselves end up splitting into an us versus them fight, there are a lot of hateful men who come here to say c**p to make the women feel angry and defensive (boy it sure must be enjoyable to daily be the cause of that), some of them I swear are payed political party workers out to keep conquering by dividing in any little corner (even a small womens studies forum on Yahoo),  

    um but it's also shown me things like newfound (not "tolerance")acceptance that everyone has where THEY are coming from, and it's important to THEM, their identity, and feelings, dont just attack that because you hate what they said (oh, I was more of a hothead even just one month ago...but I see more now, and I see more all the time, becuase these kind diverse wonderful folks let me in.

    And I love feminism, the story of how some foks got together , drew up a plan, and fought for 70 years to make some changes is the best example I found in American history  of anyone having some spine and commitment and bravery against being wronged. (I look arouind now all I see is people TAKING IT) (Disgusting)

    So I love the story of first wave feminism, and now I love that I got to come here and be learning of where that movement led to and may or may not be going to now!

  4. The main goal of women's studies is to help promote equality and understanding between the sexes.

  5. Main goals? Stressing the achievements of women since men's achievements are all we study about till we finish grade school. At least that's what the record says.

    What's not reported or listed is never known/seen by the public. What goes behind the scenes here is misandry: half-baked political ideologies about imagined wage gaps, the evil (and non-existant, but who cares about that?) patriarchy, and how men are the evil ogres who do nothing with their time other than oppress women.

    Many people tell me I'm wrong because I've never seen the inside of a WS classroom. Well, that's stupid logic. I don't need to put my hand in the fire to know it hurts. Yes, some idiots will say it doesn't hurt, and call me stupid when I don't believe them. One of us (doodlebugjim) HAS seen the inside of a classroom, and he doesn't beg to differ.

  6. Well their not going to get their way with me.  I was on to this *way* before I came on this site.  It ALSO explains to my husband and I exactly what the women in my family are doing.  Shall I say exactly what happened to them but I'm not going to fall for that either.  Given the huge fact that we are all responsible for what we get involved in even IF we are raised that way.  Then also it proves that this has also happened to men.

    The routine list failed.  We have seen it and been thru it already almost to a T.  Do you REALLY believe you can break up marriages and label people for prophet, maybe so even grades and drugs?  Yes, even attempted racism on me it's pathetic.  I'd be the LAST person you could get away with that with for your information.

    Equality is the last agenda from what I've witnessed.  That is why it sits at the bottom of the barrel now doesn't it?  Oh, and I'm having s*x with men on this site?  Where, when, why,  how, and WHO?   What is movement doing to children.  Guess what already known.

    To a feminist common sense and social skills is the enemy.

    Edit: To add to DBJ and the video presented that woman was way out of line in that interview, highly manipulative and actually made a circus out of her own invite to the show presented to the public.   Manipulative as in using one possible fact which would already be a crime in the first place and a host of "things" (a TV), thus exploiting by being dishonest women, men, marriages and don't forget the children.  

    Guess what, both women and men have a right on this subtitle given the fact that gender is not limited to "a woman" and as a woman and the facts contained in the birds and bees I surely know that to be a fact.

    I thanked my dear husband, he just handed me a freshly picked rose.

  7. To sell victimhood and recruit new young women into the feminist movement.

    If you take young, impressionable women at the "ripe" college enrollment age and fill their heads with a biased, one-sided approach to your political agenda...

    You'll get instant support.

    It doesn't hurt that everything taught sounds so inspiring and "women-friendly."

    The game is simple.

    Take oppressions from long ago... make them seem like they're still going on today (No, sexism and stereotypes are not oppression.  Men also deal with both of those.) ...throw in false statistics showing how abusive men are.    ...Teach about the "patriarchy" and how ALL men wish to control and dominate women...

    And you've just gotten yourself some more footsoldiers.

    Reasonable women understand the hypocrisy with fighting sexism by injecting anti-male sexism and take issue believing their dads, brothers, and male friends, and the rest of the male s*x are all "evil patriarchs" , but unfortunately some women but into the hype.

  8. the main goals of women's studies to learn more about women.  the goal of any study is to learn.  but many people who study, learn nothing.

  9. Where it could serve a decent and moral purpose.  It's more of a recruiting ground for the feminist cult.  They brainwash and spread propaganda through these classes, perpetuating the smoke and mirrors.  This way feminism can keep pretending that women are the victims of society and deserve/need special rights and privileges.  And, spread the slander against men to further demonize them in society's eyes.

    Of course, this is not the only type of class that caters to strongly biased teachers with an amoral agenda.

  10. You know what, I have often wondered about that myself. Is it to show women that they are being repressed and treated as objects everywhere?

  11. analytical thinking, freedom of choice

  12. There's nothing wrong with feminism.  It's extreme feminism that Mothernature has wrought upon us.  Hmm funny, isn't having women's studies without having man's studies sexist?

    Nazism, Communism & globalism. Also how to be an anti-American.  Ahhh nothing like the smell of a "free" media in the morning...funny how these things keep happening in history; only there are different characters and the events (mostly about power) are changed to fool the public.

  13. To provide a suitable academic framework for the study of subjects relative to women and women's history, as a particular strand of general history, and to provide resources and guidelines for the proper academic pursuit of same.

    Cheers :-)

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