
INDIA isa member of the UN! I saw a documentary where India may be dying from lack of water or clean water.?

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Do you think we should or can? Daughter-In-Laws who don't bring Enough Douery(SP?) are Routinely Beaten Up! Are they worth it, considering their total lack of Human Dignity?




  1. Slavery was not abolished world-wide in a day.

    India is a nation of very intellectual people. More and more girls are getting educated today and they have begun to fight their own battles today. The old traditions will die a slow death till it becomes a non-issue item.

    Try some food for thought:

  2. sounds like a "muslim" man thing!??! What are your sources?

  3. India is one of the most grossly overpopulated nations in the world.

    Perhaps, in the name of human dignity of course, they should stop breeding just a little?

  4. ok lets try this: dowry not douery...more butchering of the english language by dumb americans.

    one of the oldest cultures in the world isn't dying from lack of water moron.  ever heard of the ganges?  or that dirty big mountain range to the north...lots of water there.

    Highlighting the worst aspect of a culture (which is quickly becoming the technology capital of the world), gives more justification for american aggresiveness. The indian economy is booming, making more progress in 10 years than the usa has done in 100yrs.

    Lack of human dignity is more an american trait than anyone elses. When the usa finally succumbs to the disease of greed and intolerance, India will still be there.  India has seen nations come and go for millenium, nothing has changed.

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