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Hi there as apart of a project here in New Zealand i have to write about beliefs and cultural factors in the Indian culture. If there are any Indian People out there that would be willing to tell me about there customs and basicley about food and ediquitte[?] around meal times.

Thanks heaps.

[this is a food project]




  1. There are maybe 5000 Buddhist in India. They are mainly Hindu

    They eat with their right hand keeping their left off the table.

  2. Other than that we eat with our hand . Some people are taught to eat with the right hand as left is used for cleaning the butt. LOL !! Not strictly followed though.

    Some drizzle water around the plate and say a prayer (mainly in the Southern region) before starting the meal.

  3. 1. Hindu brahmins are vegetarians; But in calcutta, it is okay to eat fish; and in Kashmir, eating goat/lamb is culturally acceptable.

    2. Kshatriyas are non vegetarians. But beef is taboo

    3. Banias are vegetarians hindu and possibly may not eat onion, garlic, but ginger ia acceptable.

    4. In south, they sit on planks and eat on a large banana leaf on the floor using only the right hand.

    5. In the north, the leaves from a tree are stapled together with a

    tooth pick like sliver and the circular leaf dried is used as a disposable


  4. Kia ora,

    go to your local Indian restaurant/dairy etc and ask their advice.

    There are lots of differences in Indian culture, dining etc.

    Fiji Indians enjoy different things to Goan Indians for example, (Goa was settled by the Portuguese and are predominantly Catholic, so therefore pork is consumed there)

    The Indians love to share their knowledge and usually only too happy to help.

    Good luck with your project.

    From the sunny BoP (today)

  5. I just know they don't eat beef because the cow is a sacred animal in Hinduism and Buddhism religion. P.S I know there aren't that many buddist in India.

    Try to read some books from your local library you should be able to find something, or try an Asian message board, there should be some Indians there.

  6. I can advise you that it depends on the religion. Many may eat primarily with their hands using the Naan bread instead of a fork or spoon. they eat on the floor out of a large bowl..

    that is about all i know...I have seen many indians and I would see them using only their hands and naan bread and eat lots of curry dishes.
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