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I am 39 weeks and when I am about any were from 40 weeks to 40 weeks and 4 days I am going to be induced. I am only a fingertip dialated and have been for three weeks. I was never told about effacment or anything so that I dont know. Does it help any that i am dialated a fingertip do u have to be dialated to be induced? How does inducement work??? Also the baby has not dropped assuming he does not and i still am at the time of inducment only a fingertip dialated how will that work or turn out any info is appreciated >>THANKS EVERYONE!!!!




  1. I was just induced at exactly 40 weeks because my baby was getting on 8lbs.  

    Went into hospital just fingertip dilated and with soft cervix.  They only used pitocin slowly increasing amount in my IV.  Then inserted Foley Balloon to get me to 3cm.  This period of time was rather uncomfortable for me.... had two doses of pain meds about 5 hours apart -- Phentenol or something --- not very strong but took the edge off.  Pitocin brought me to transition stage and contractions (sorry)  very painful for me. I threw up etc. They broke my water and I could not WAIT for epidural and sooooo glad I got one!  At 10 CM could not wait to get the baby out. Had to push for 2 hours at one point they wanted me to "feel the pain" that was not good, so pushed for more epidural relief and delivered pain free with no stiches and only small first degree tear.

    Started induction 8/8/08 at about 2PM, delivered my cute little guy at 5AM 8/10/08.  

    Best of luck to you.

  2. *induction*

    They give you drugs to bring on labor.

    *dilated*.  No, you don't have to be dilated to be induced.

  3. To be induced the baby does not have to be dilated, but i think it is recommended that they are dilated at least 1 cm. When you go in for inducement, they put you and your baby on monitors and such and they start a medicine ( mine was pitocin ) to start the contraction of the uterus. Once that starts it really just depends on how they are going along , they had to cut my water to speed things along. They will check your changes in dilation and such about once every hour probably. Then it will go from there. Once that baby knows he is getting out of there he is going to get out of there! Congratulations and good luck!

  4. Pretty much all they do is put a medication on your cervix to help it soften. Once they have that to the point they want they start you on pitocin to trigger contractions. After a certain point, you will have the option of an epidural.

    Hopefully after a time you should have your baby and hopefully you won't need much pitocin....

  5. effacement is how thin the cervix is you should be 100 percent effaced at delivery. dilatation starts at one and goes to 10 which is closer to all the fingers. when you get induced they will probably first of all try a cervical thinner which they will insert into your v****a to see if you will dilate more with that...if that doesn't work then they will put you on an iv drip of patocin which will speed along contractions causing you to dialate....he will come down the birth canal during labor...if he does not and the fetal heart rate is is in distress they will do a c-section. if you are progressing with patocin they will probably also break your water.

  6. i dont know how it works sorry i cant be of more assistance but i just had to say something (sorry im huge on correcting people)

    its induction not inducement

  7. I was not dilated when i was induced.  all they did was put the capsule on my cervix once, then again 4 hours later.  only half an hour later my water broke on its own.  i had regular contractions right until about half an hour before my son was born and then they hooked me up to pitocin.    with the baby dropping, i'm pretty sure my son had dropped prior to induction because i had an ultrasound done right before they decided to induce me and he has was way deep on my pelvis and the ultrasound tech said it was misshapen.  so that i don't know if that helped my labor, I'm sure it did, but i don't know if a baby not being dropped will not help your labor progress.

  8. I never dilated...not a fingertip...not anything.  I started induction 2 days before I turned 42 weeks.  They put a little pouch at my cervix to help "ripen" (efface) for 12 hours.  Only they had to take it out a few hours later because it started contractions that my daughter couldn't tolerate.  The next morning (12 hours later) they started the pitocin and after only 20 minutes I was rushed to the OR for an emergency c-section because my daughters heart rate was dropping.  So the answer to your question is, you don't have to be dilated to be induced.  

  9. Well I was induced and I wasn't dialed at all, I was low on fluid.

    Pretty much they put an IV in your arm and it just helps the labor to move along. They will break the sack, and that doesn't hurt or anything.

    Inducement isn't a bad thing, its helpful.

    Everything will turn out fine and no, it won't hurt your baby.
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