

by  |  earlier

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I am 39 weeks and three day today so that will make me 39 weeks and 5 days when I get induced. I am being induced for a few reasons. 1being I am border line preclampsia how ever you say that. 2 my grandma has about a week left acording to doctors due to cancer. 3 the OB said my pelvis is narrow. My question and concern is that the baby is and had been head down since 33 weeks, but he is still floating basically he has not dropped. He weighed 7lbs. 13oz about less a week ago. When I am being induced they are going to give me cervidil and pitosin. I have only been about a fingertip dialated for about over three weeks they never said nothing about effacement or anything like that just a fingertip. What do you think my chanced of having the baby vaginally are?????? HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS THANKS ALOT !!!!




  1. I was induced at 39 weeks with a drug called Cytotec for a few reasons.  When I got to the hospital I was only 1 cm dilated and 0% effaced, NONE.  My almost 9lb son was born vaginally 9 hrs later with no problems!

  2. It should be good, there are many breach births this way.

  3. The outcome looks good..I was kinda in your situation with not being dialted much or anything and had to get the cervidil and then once i was thinned out enough i would get the pitocin..they said that some but very few women actually go into labor on there own after getting the cervidil and they wouldnt even need the pitocin but that it would prob not be the case for me. They give u the cervidil and remove it hours later and then give the pitocin. They insterted the cervidil around my cervix, the nurse came in and checked me a 4 hours later and i was already dialting on my ow and was in active labor wit full blown contractions and did not even need the pitocin..My doctor was shocked as was I!

    I gave birth 2 hours later without the need of pitocin and without the docs needing to break my waters (everything happened all naturally). easiest 6 hour labor I had. So i say the cervidil works very well and if u will be receiving that and pitocin then u will have no problem pushing baby out...Congrats and good luck!!!!

  4. If this is your first baby, once the induction starts it will take a day or two until you deliver.  If one of the reasons for induction is onset of preeclampsia, you will also be put on a medication called Magnesium.  It is not pleasant and you WILL be required to remain in bed during labor and until 24 hrs. after you deliver.  Good luck, stay positive.  When it gets rough....just remember it is for your baby.
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