
INFO ABOUT APRIL GRIFFIN (jailed last year)?

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The mothjer who was jailed last year for hiding her baby boy. She almost died, was hospitalized, and so on. I have googled the c**p out of this story and I havent found anything current. Where can I get more coverage and updates on this story?




  1. The only thing  I know, is that you can try any news websites, like CNN or ABC News. Also, Google, and thing like that i guess.

  2. Judge releases woman jailed since May

    Mother has refused to say where her infant son is


    Posted: Jan. 25, 2008

    A woman who has been in jail since mid-May on contempt charges for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her infant son was released Friday after a judge found she was deteriorating mentally and physically.


    Buy a link hereMilwaukee County Circuit Judge Michael Guolee said he was not lifting the contempt finding against April Griffin, 28, who refused to appear in court. Guolee said Griffin had lost a considerable amount of weight because she refused to eat the jail food and sometimes did not eat the commissary food she purchased. Also, she has been accused of attacking a guard and provoking a fight with an inmate.

    "It appears by all this that she is deteriorating," Guolee said. "The court has a real question about her psychiatric or psychological needs."

    Guolee said neither the court nor the jail could force Griffin to seek help or undergo treatment, but he urged her lawyer, Narciso Aleman, and her family to intervene.

    Griffin's case has generated national attention.

    After she gave birth to her son, Jesse Moses, she sought state medical coverage for the child. The state initiated a paternity lawsuit against the child's father, Matthew Sebuliba, a registered nurse. The father then sought shared custody, which Griffin fought, saying she feared the baby would be taken to Africa, where Sebuliba has a wife, other children and an extended family. Guolee said he would order Sebuliba to surrender his passport and noted that no passport had been taken out in the baby's name.

    Guolee ordered Griffin jailed after she sabotaged one supervised visit between Sebuliba and the child and refused to allow another. She also refused to say where the child was being kept. In court May 15, Griffin refused to speak and at one point was forcibly restrained when she tried to leave. Guolee found her in contempt and sent her to jail.

    Since then, there have been several hearings at which Guolee offered Griffin her freedom if she would say where the child was, but she refused. In June, Guolee gave full custody of the child to the father, but authorities have been unable to find the child.

    In late summer, Guolee offered to let Griffin out of jail so she could help her 7-year-old child prepare for school, but she refused. Guolee said he planned to allow Griffin a furlough over Christmas but Aleman did not respond to court attempts to set a hearing date.

    State appeal filed

    Aleman unsuccessfully tried to get a federal court hearing and has filed a state appeal on the contempt citation.

    Before releasing Griffin, Guolee said she and her family are mistaken if they think they have won.

    "He (the baby) will be found, and he will be found with someone, and that someone will be charged with a crime," Guolee said.

    Court records show that this month police executed a search warrant at the home of one of Griffin's sisters. They found diapers but not the baby.

  3. The first I've heard about it, but I tried my hand at researching for you and the last I came up with was July 2007.  Sorry I couldn't help.

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