
INFPs: Staying Organized...?

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Hi fellow INFPs...question about organization...

Do you find easy to organize but difficult to maintain organization?

What helps you to keep on top of it all?




  1. as introverts we tend to be quiet and reserved, preferring to interact with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances and expending energy in social situations.  

    with our Intuition we focus on the "big picture" rather than the details, and the future rather than the "here and now".

    as feelers we rely on a personal, internal sense of right and wrong rather than external, objective criteria. we tend to make decisions based on feelings and social considerations rather than logic.

    as perceivers (in their outer world) they tend to withhold judgment and delay important decisions, preferring to "keep their options open" should circumstances change.

    when we get our personality right and act right, we will not hv difficulties in maintaing org as others will see our value / objectives and clearmindedness.  extroverts/ loud mouthed types will be the ones less likely to be believed as they are cowboys they tend to shoot fr their mouths rather than their heads!

    i find i can maintain org by the sheer respect that i gain from my quiet, intuitive ways.  

    we're making it big!

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