

by  |  earlier

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The other day i hit a guy on his motorcycle and took off. He was not injured and had gotten my liscence plate number. Later that day he found me and came after me with a bat. He reported me to the cops and i told them that i did the accident and it was my fault. I got two tickets one for following to close and one for leaving the scene of an accident. As far as i could make out i did not see much damage to his motorcycle. Does anyone know how much roughly i will be paying a month. I am 20 yrs old and am currently paying 200 a month. any help would be great




  1. After court there's a very good chance you will lose your license entirely.  Once you get it back, you will have to do an SR22 filing for insurance, high risk, and $200 a month will look good to you.  If they don't cancel you outright, you are looking at a significant increase.

  2. You may not have to worry about it at all....when you go to court for felony hit & run you may not have a license!  When/if you do get your license back, you'll have to file an SR22 for a number of years.  You may not be able to find an insurance company that will insure you and have to go through the state.

    So now, let me ask you.....was it worth it??
You're reading: INSURANCE? Raise???

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