
INTERLOCHEN; ANY information at all is great?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going into 7th grade this year and I'm 12. I'll be 13 in April. I want to go to Interlochen for 7th grade summer and 8th grade summer, '09 and 2010. I also want to attend the academy from 9th grade through 12th. I know you have to audition, and I've read the entire website. If you have any information at all to help me audition or if it's something I should know, please answer this question! I mostly want audition help, but anything is great! Also, I'm auditioning for either musical theater or theater.




  1. It is so exciting to see your enthusiasm about wanting to go to Interlochen! I went for my senior year of high school and definitely loved it!  

    I am a flute player, so I went for music, so I don't know exactly what to tell you about the auditions.  But I have a few other things to share.

    I never went to the camp in the summer, but I know it lasts about 6 - 8 weeks long.  And you may have to see if that interferes with your regular class schedule at school.  I know here in Texas, we use to start school in August, and it would have been a conflict for people.

    Also, if you are doing all your research about this now, I also wanted to let you know that this is a very expensive school.  I don't have exact dollar amounts for you, but I would bet this point the cost of tuition for one school year is $30,000.  And that does not include your travel expenses to and from, but does include room & board, and tuition.  It also do not include the books you use. You buy those from the book store that is on the campus.  And you would probably want your own spending money for personal items, or when you go into town to the mall, etc.  

    So, if this amount seems to expensive for you, you should definitely look into what scholarships are available.  I got more than half of my tuition paid for with scholarships, and wouldn't have been able to go if I didn't.  

    Also, if it is a possibility for you, I would definitely apply early when they have a lot more money to give out for scholarships.  

    Good Luck!  I hope you get to go to be blessed with the wonderful opportunites that are there.

    Thank You for your time! I am glad I could share my knowledge with you!!

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