
INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY INC is there a company in the UK in this name?

by Guest56825  |  earlier

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Groove park




  1. You don't get anything for nothing, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information.

    .Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful.

  2. scam

  3. Hmm...

    Did you just get an email saying you won the big lottery?

    The way this scam works is that the scammer sends out a few millions of the same email. Unfortunately there will always be someone naive enough to fall for it. Fortunately you had the sense to ask the question before falling for it. When this spammer hooks a naive person they then start explaining that you need to send them a small processing fee of a couple $100 or so. If you're lucky, that's all you'll lose. If they get a hold of any of your person information, some of these scum will bleed your accounts dry.

    BTW.. Stay away from the Nigerian emails that claim they need help getting large sums of money out of the country also.

    Check out the links below!

  4. Ask Google the wise one.Google knows all and will answer your question.Be prepared for a disappointment.

  5. Sounds like yet another scam. Delete it and forget it.

  6. sorry scam! they emailed me too! you just won 1,000,000....ya right!

  7. No it's a scam

  8. This question has been asked many, many, many, many, many times. Why don`t you use the search facility?

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