
IP Address Conflict: Sony Vaio Laptop, Linksys Wireless, Comcast internet?

by  |  earlier

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I have seen many questions re: IP conflict, but have not found a specific solution. It seems that on weekends, my Sony laptop gets an IP Address conflict. My only other computer is a Dell that has a disabled radio and is shut off. I am in a neighborhood with many other computers around. My Linksys wireless network is supposedly secure (at least that is what it states). I know very little about computers, but I have tried ipconfig/release & renew with no results. If I wait a few days, it tends to come back on. I am at a lost. What exactly should I try? Do I need to reset the wireless modem? Do I need to do something with my laptop address? I should mention, I do not get this problem if I log on the Dell and enable the wireless nor do I if I bring home my work laptop. Sorry to be so wordy, but any help one can provide is greatly appreciated!




  1. Here's the first thing you should try when ever getting ip address (conflict) issues on a home network.  No need for any changes in the router just yet.  

    use ipconfig /all from a dos prompt to get your dns server addresses, default gateway, & ip address.

    Set all the computers on your network with a static ip address.  The 1st computer will get .1 then 2nd computer .2, etc.  


    (assuming your router is giving out 192.168.0.x  (It might be 192.168.1.x, you'll have to check)

    I used this see this issue back in the the day all the time.  You boot up 1 computer and it steels the ip address of the other.  This is one of the most common issues encountered with a home network.

  2. Since it is isolated to the Sony, it's probably not freeloaders (good answer, though).

    I suspect that the IP address on your machine is hardwired to an address that can also be assigned.  IP addresses can either be explicitly set on a particular computer, or assigned by the router using a protocol called DHCP.

    Control Panel/ Network Connections / right-click on Wireless Network Connection


    Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)  (you may have to scroll to find this)


    Obtain IP address automatically

    Obtain DNS server address automatically

  3. Use LanHelper to perform IP scanning on a normal computer and then you will find out the IP, host name, MAC.

  4. Your write up is very helpful; never appologize for providing a lot of data.

    From the behavior described, the following appears to be happening:

    1.  Hackers are getting past your security and freeloading on your network.

    2.  One of the hackers gets the IP address that had been issued to your pc causing the conflict.

    Recommended solution:

    Review your wireless access point manual.  Do these things using a wired (never wireless) connection to the wireless access point:

    1.  Upgrade firmware to the latest if new firmware is available; you will lose all configuration information in this step).

    2.  Reconnect router to enable the wired pc to access the internet.

    3.  Enable wireless capability and invoke security.  Use WPA or WPA2 if available and create a new preshare key (mix of upper and lower case letters and some numbers); record preshare key as you will need it.  Invoke MAC address verification and load the MAC addresses of all wireless ports of all pcs you wish to connect to the router via wireless link (MAC is called physical address in command prompt; go to command prompt on all pcs by, on each of specific pc, clicking on start, clicking on run, and entering cmd and hitting enter; at the > prompt enter "ipconfig /all" without quotes and hit enter; it will show physical address of all ports - record the address of the wireless port not wired port as this goes in router's validation table).  

    4.  Change the SSID name from default to something else that is not recognized (e.g. do not use "smithresidence", your address number,  or something hackers understand as your location)

    5. Then go to each pc you want to connect wirelessly and configure the wireless port to match the encryption, preshare key, and other configuration specifics you entered in the router.  This matches the pc to the wireless router config and permits access.  Do this carefully and do not allow yourself to be rushed; your documentation of the wireless router config is needed here.  

    6.  After all pcs are set up and work wirelessly, go back to router and turn off ssid.

    Now you have removed all freeloaders.

    If the IP address conflict remains, then via wired connection, go to dhcp section and reduce lease lifetime to the sortest time permitted on the router.  Turn off and leave off the pcs that conflict until after the lease time has run out and all should work.  You can then increase lease lifetime if you wish.

    It is critical to remove the hackers!  It is work but well worth the time.

  5. You can try logging into your router, change the IP block 1, let say your dhcp is currently using giving out ip adreess in the block of 192.168.0.* change the block to 192.168.50.*, of course if your routers IP is right now you have to change it to, do this by connecting to the router using cable, another way is to manually input the ip address, let say your router is giving away 192.168.0.* block of ip, manually set your laptop to use the chances of having the same ip is pretty low, specially if you have set your wireless router to issue ip only on a specific range.

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