
IPL AND HUMANITY IN INDIA- i think it is an absolute disgrace that millions are starving, why?

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Please only serious answers here, what does the average INDIAN think, or any one else, it is criminal that the indian govt can hold its hands out to nations around the world for money but allow this IPL, to take place, do you know starving people, probably not if you a computer, you probably do not care one bit, please answer sensibly, this will wreck cricket and wreck the lives of indians even more, these starving people will not see one cent of the revenue, it will just line the millionaires pockets even more, then indians can brag to the world how many millionaires are in india, while the millions that starv will continue. thanks for reading.




  1. You don't know much about India ..Do you?

    Are you up-to-date? Nowadays India is not dependent on foreign aids, they are self-capable, whatever you are saying existed 25 years back, but not now .

    Your economy is falling down and Indian economy is getting stronger, The US dollar is falling against Indian rupee.

    The unemployment in your country is on the rise, most of your jobs are outsourced to India.

    Westerners think that only English is literacy but its a fact that English is not the mother tongue of Indians and all Indians are proficient in more than one language.

    Inspite of poverty, the crime rate is low in India, Indian families are strong, The Indian strandard of education is very high., India is fully democratic.

  2. Oh my God! When I see things like ur question, and some of the answers, I cannot help but cringe and give out a sarcastic laugh. But since u asked for only serious answers, here goes:

              What place r u, me, or anyone else in for that matter to hoot about poverty in our nations or elsewhere when we r not doing even as little as squid’s p**s for it? I understand that we should be concerned, coz maybe then our conscience will awaken to play any small part we could, but please don’t match up these topics with something as unrelated to IPL, or “so-and-so” millionaire’s lifestyle!

    And forget about poverty in India, tell me ONE nation in this world which does not have some pressing problem of its own. If not poverty, there r nations who r fighting war, unemployment, societal issues, debt, economic crisis, recession, land crisis, weather, and what not!

    Besides, I do not understand how others may have a problem with India having its own set of filthily rich people, when for decades it reeled under the curse of poverty just because some “great” superpowers plundered ruthlessly all that it was worth !! And now those foreigners, and even natives, have a problem when some lower and middle class r now making a mark and status in the Indian society? Excuse me!!!

    Do not talk poverty to a nation which was once the wealthiest, self-sufficient and the most peaceful hundreds of yrs ago, until the greedy suckers came to forcefully take that all away.

    Most of the population of India lived with the fury, memory, and the stories of how lavishly their ancestors once lived! Now, it is very easy for us to sit in front of our screens, IN THE CRICKET SECTION, and blurt out such big advices to businessmen to think about their poor population. Let me tell u this - these businessmen do what they can do. Let us not forget that they r “Business”men, not charity! I can see that they can “donate” more, but any country to progress in a balanced way, needs ALL kinds of classes, and the new splurge of these wealthy businessmen IS DEFINITELY contributing to the growing economy of India.

    If any of u do follow the economies closely, u must have already heard a lot about it already that China & India have been able to manage a steady and impressive growth. Granted, in future it may not be the same, but RIGHT now, it is doing fairly good. Again granted, that it can do better, but please, taking money from IPL and donating it to the poor public will not help at all!!

         And what the very heck did u mean by Indian govt holds its hands like beggars??? Please get ur facts right, this same Indian govt has granted loans to the US………this same Indian govt DONATED, and I repeat – donated- money to the US again when it was hit with a natural disaster like Katrina!!! This same Indian govt has been giving loans and “donations” to its less fortunate neighboring countries! This same govt has troops deployed in almost any region undergoing unrest (of course it is not as heavily advertised as the more “advanced” nations)…this same govt grants asylum and has millions of refugees and immigrants from those same neighbouring countries. My friends in YA if any from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Bhutan, Tibet, Nepal, Afghanistan, etc, will vouch for that!!!!!

    We all have animosities with certain other countries, it is but natural to have it when one has man-made borders, but India does what it can, and it is surviving pretty good, in fact EXCELLENT considering the state it was left in at 1947. It does not need our sympathies or even our lectures! Thank you.

    Oz, the points that u made ‘could’ ve been relevant, but mostly they r all twisted. Again, name me ONE nation where its entire population is happy with its politicians? If u’ve been to many nations, by now u must have realized that it’s the people who make all the difference eventually, NOT the politicians.

    But what saddens me even more is that people like u r the ones who create the MOST religious barriers. How the h**l can u use something like “Congress never stopped muslims to grow like weeds”? Coming from an educated youth (I guess) is nothing short of tragedy, and if anything needs to stop growing like weeds, then it is people like u! I know I m being rude here, but it is only because u punched in a line like that deriling a specific religion. Where the heck did u get an idea that India does not belong to its Muslim population? It does, and it should!!!!

    I will not get started over here about how the non-Muslim population in India is as much to blame for the shortcomings in the country, or else it’ll be some heated discussion.

        Education…..ha! We STILL have the toughest education system in place, but yes, not everybody has access to it, not to mention that the “advanced” nations r also fighting with the same issue in a different way! Their education systems r flawed, and if they r available, the students r disinterested!

    Today, “advanced” countries such as UK and US r fighting grave issues….whether it is ethical, education, moral, cultural, or financial depravation, or whether they r economic issues! Fortunately, India does not have to worry about those yet. The society there, even after its billions of people with diverse cultures and backgrounds, still stand together in a time of crisis.

    One such incident comes to my mind when during the hurricane Katrina crisis, in such a sad and horrendous disaster like that, there were people plundering each others homes out of need. BUT at the same time, when Mumbai was hit with torrential rains just a month before, was there a better example given to the world about the solidarity that its people held in a crisis like that? The poorest of the poor offered their meager shelter to the rich. Not a single case of theft or violence was reported anywhere!!! That coming from a country which is called poor and needy and over-populated !!!! haha….

    What place does any of us have when all we can do is lash out at these sensitive subjects in YA, and yet contribute nothing to eradicate those issues????

    I am not blind to the shortcomings of India, but I have common sense enough to understand that allocating funds from IPL will not erase them !! lmao.....

    Besides, India is a MUCH humane society....much greater than where ur imagination can take you!

    So these “advanced nations” barbarously misuse paper (anyone who’s lived outside India will know what I mean – paper towels/hand towels/heaps of useless mails and fliers, etc), and then it tells the “less” advanced nations to protect environment and not cut trees!!

    These “advanced nations” have built all the factories and industries it can and produces harmful emissions, and then it tells the “less” advanced ones to protect environment and go easy on fuel and cars and building industries…….

    These advanced nations have created capitalist economies which just thrives on vulgar spending & display of money and materialistic goods, and now they complain when the “lesser” countries r now being able to enjoy the money it has earned after decades of suppression and poverty!!!!!!

    Not gonna happen! Sorry!

    So guys, before so naively and simply putting apples & oranges together, please stop to think.

    I am well aware that writing such a long post will do nothing much to change any dimwit’s mentality, and probably in future I should just avoid ques like these, but for some reason I couldn’t keep my hands off today…!

  3. IPL  is  a  business for the sponsors and team owners

    It's also a matter of pride for team owners-it feels gr8 to own

    a team which ppl  cheer for and are die hard fans of

    like ManU,Arsenal,..

    And one can't stop a businessman from doing business unless

    it is illegal,which IPL is not.

      B/Millionaires can help ppl by  their free will,can't be forced to,especially in a democracy

  4. Thumbs up to you for voicing it out,,,  hope they'll listen.

  5. There are 4 Indians among the top 10 richest men in the World as per the latest forbes rankings.

    Indians own Arcelor, Corrus, British Tetly tea, Jaguar, Landrover.

    Any Indian might buy your house before you wake up.

    We are having some problems but that won't stop our growth.

    India is developing, the rural India is developing at a faster rate and we are ready to consume the whole world and whatever you people think great or expensive will be owned by the Indians in the future.

    By 2020, We will ask questions about your country and poverty in your country.

  6. i think this is a government issue ,and how they distribute the nations wealth throw out  the country ,and the programs they have to help the poor ...having said the the people voted in the government in the first place so you cant just blaim the gov

    are you willing to pay possible twice the amount of taxes as you do now ,to pay for a social security system

    as far as the governments receiving hand outs im not sure

    i think incoming charity's are not touched by governments they are a separate entity's or should be anyway

    i remember once india donated a few planes worth of food to UK after some floods lol

    India also has a huge military role in defending a country with so many potential hostile country's  that border it  ,,allot off money will go there its natural

    they also use the military  throughout the world on  peace missions ect ect

    at the end of the day its up to the people to vote in the goverments that wil help the poor the most which means more taxes

    MAY BE SOME TAXES FROM THE  IPL can be especially given over to charity's that help the poor in India .that might be a goood idea

    Edit .im not disagreeing with you this issue defo needs looking at


  7. Mr. Bill i don't know from where you are. But your question is absolutely against the humanity  because u think India is poor country, but buddy let me see you how India is progressing and why we r worlds most powerful developing country, cause we help our people for their food and education even more than you think , u dot know how Indian government planning for the education, food and infrastructure for the  people of india. Our GDP rate is around 8.9% for the last 2007 which is more than USA.  poverity line is decreasing incredibly in india  and people get good education and food, and good life  now compare too last decade. Cricket is religion in India  and IPL is the one of the example of the event which shows how indian economy is developing. You know from IPL how much tax will come u cant emagine, even many of indian gets good chance for the employement through this IPL. So let us do better we dont care such stupid questions, we are able to help our people and we are doing now so dont think u english people are the millonaires we are more able compare to u so thanks for suggestion and keep consentration on your country

    thanks mate

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