
IPhone 3G - How to check how much I've spent?

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I have an iPhone 3G (I'm with Telstra in Australia) and I'm on a plan. I want to know if there is a way of checking how much money I've spent from texting and calling.

I don't want to end up with a massive phone bill.

So is there a way I can check?!




  1. well you make an online account with telestra(call them and tell them to make you one) then when you have one go online to telestra and enter the name and password and there you see how much your bill will be

  2. How do you check that with other phones?

    It is only the network operator that knows how much your bill is and how much have you consumed in terms of minutes, messages and data transfer. How can the phone, especialy a dumb one such as the iPhone, help you with that?

    Does Telstra provide a balance checking service, either web based or through SMS? If you don't know call the customer service and find out.

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