
IPhone battery charging?

by  |  earlier

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If I have my iphone hooded up through the port (either comupter or wall) and it makes a noise when I plug it in,as if it's working, but does not start to charge, is that a sign that the battery is completely dead?




  1. It could be the disk drive is attempting to start on the Hard Disk models and due to damage is failing the boot sequence.

    Do you always see an apple logo on the display?

    Have your tried plugging it in through a different USB port (direct to PC and not via a hub or a laptop USB port as these often don't have the power to charge the ipod).

    USB power supplies can also burn out.

    try several options but if you get the clicking noise periodically with only the apple on the display then its likely the hard disk has become damaged  and anew ipod is needed.

    otherwise try an different USB source.

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