
IPod Touch or Nintendo DS Lite?

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I'm trying to decide which of the two I should get. I'm not going to say anymore than that because then people will start giving me vague or cliche answers. I just want a critique of both, preferably from someone who owns both but if you only own one, just give a review for that. I am both a music fan and a game fan. I just want people's opinion. Thanks in advance!




  1. DS light because if you already have an Ipod all you're going to get is a newer version whereas there are great DS games you can only play on that system (and even if you play ROM's touch screen games are no fun with a mouse).

  2. I have both, and it's really hard to say which is my favorite. I love the DS because it's great for road trips and the controls are pretty basic and easy. But, there aren't that many cool games for it. The iPod touch has great graphics and there are some really cool games for it. The only this is that it takes a little bit to get used to the controls, but once you get the hang of it, it's so much fun.

  3. i like the ipod touch.

    i own that

    and am in love with it

  4. Ds lite its a lot of fun interactive you could also just get a regular ipod im sure they are less expensive.  

  5. Wellll, in my opinion,    i would go with the ipod touch.  I freak over music. I do not own one, but have been paying attention to the tech specs of them.  I do own a DS lite.  I love my DS.  


    -DS stands for dual screen!  sweeeeet!

    -Wide variety of games.

    -Games are on memory cards [small and easy to have one or more at a time]



    -Limited battery

    -Easy to lose games

    -No pre-installed games/sevices [except pictochat]

    iPod Touch:


    -new app store allows you to download cool programs onto your iTouch

    -email, safari[web], ichat, maps, youtube, itunes store, + more pre-installed


    -holds music, video, and pictures

    -comes up to 32 gigabytes

    -all features here


    -Limited battery power

    -Most apps cost money [only a few are free]

    -Most features unuseful and space-consuming if you arent into chating or email

    -limited space if you have a lot of songs/pics/vids/etc. for your money

    -you cant use games you can buy from itunes store on your comp.

    Thats everything I can think of.  Hope this helps!  Remeber, you have an opinion too, and dont have to listen to anything me or other answers say.

  6. i got a nano and a DS lite i know that i dont have a ipod touch but i know what its like, most apps and games on the itunes store are for the iphone and ipod touch, the DS is a TOY for little kids and i really only hve mine to use whn my ipod is charging. the ipods are TOOLS for me. lol. i would go with the touch, may cost more but its worth it

  7. Ipod touch kichs the ds's butt. because can a ds play music, can it serch the web no pick the ipod  

  8. ipod touch all the way especially with the new upgrade that is only 10$ and the ipod touch is way more sophisticated i own a ipod touch and a ds lite and i use the touch way more so for my vote IPOD TOUCH

  9. Get the iPod touch.Nintendo DS is for kids.You shuld have done PSP or IPOd touch

  10. I own an Ipod touch. it has games too, you can jailbreak and get emulators for GBA, PSX, NES, and SNES (there is a slight risk) or you can get the software update and play games like crash bandacoot nitro or super monkey ball (I decided to go with the software update)

    anyway. I hope this helps. I've tried my friends nintendo DS lite, and i like the ipod touch way more.    

  11. DS if you like videogames and are willing to spend some extra money for those videogames. Ipod Touch if you like to listen to music on the go, play a few games, internet.

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