
IPod Touch...?

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to get an iPod Touch. I've had this crappy, old iPod for EVER! I need an upgrade. You know what I'm sayin'? Ya, so.. My dad is telling me, "Get a PS3! Get a PS3!", " Ounce you get an iPod you are going to relize it sucks and then you will be stuck with it. Winter is coming, honey", "Now they are just getting a lot of games for it!"

I've want a PS3 AND an iPod but I can't make money easily (due to personal problems) and he always discourages me so don't tell me not to listen to him because I've tried but he's REALLY, REALLY persistant.

Should I wait?


iPod Touch?

Can someone just please give me the details?!?!!




  1. ps3 sux.  my friends have so many problems with the ones they have.   I would get an ipod touch. my cousin has one and it is the coolest thing ever.

  2. Alright that is a hard debate but don't let the money burn a hole in your pocket. The IPod touch is getting a big upgrade in less than a month so if you buy it now you'll have to upgrade and that costs money. Now the PS3 is only good if you get the 80gb cause of the backwards compatibility and make sure you have a HDTV to use it with.

  3. Get the Ipod Touch. Maybe this will help you decide.
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