
IPod touch 2.0 preinstalled?

by Guest57195  |  earlier

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If I were to buy an iPod touch right now, would it have version 2.0 already on it or would I have to buy it?




  1. yes/no.. depending on where you buy it from and which they have.. the thing is that they need to sell out all the old ipod touches with the 1.1.4 update before they start selling the newER ipod touches with the 2.0 update.. so if you happen to get the 1.1.4 one then your out of luck..  

  2. no it doesn't come with it you have to buy it from iTunes $9.99 is charge from upgrade if I were you I wouldn't get the update I iPod touch is messed up it is more and really with update just get 1.1.5 update for free  

  3. yeap

    but you could buy the 1.1.4 from places like amazon and it would be rougly $50 cheeper, and then get the software update of apple for about $10, so saving yourself $40

  4. Nope LOLZ i ordered mine from Apple Online Store a couple weeks ago they still only gave me the january update :(

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