
IPod touch Internet...

by Guest63087  |  earlier

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Can our parents monitor our iPod touch use? Like can they go on another computer and see what we have looked at?




  1. only if your wireless router is set up to record use. otherwise, they'd have to get to your touch when you're not looking to see where you've been.

  2. That would depend on how the Internet connection is set up at your house, there could be something like a proxy server logging your sessions. However, you would definitely avoid that in case you would use your iPod Touch to connect in places that have free wireless Internet connection, like Starbucks or libraries, etc.

  3. It depends if they have a tracking device on the network at home.  If they have a monitoring program probably.  However, if you take it to a free wi fi spot they wouldn't.  Just remember to delete the history.

  4. someones been on naughty sites :P

  5. Yes, There is an option on the wireless, can't remember how to get there, it will say previous users, and there will be an option for history. But if your parents are very good at computers they'll never find it.

  6. No they can't. And if you want you can delete the history. So the answer is no.

  7. NOOO well i just hope not.  It hasn't happened to me yet so i think its fine.
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