
IPod touch question, really annoying me ... ?

by  |  earlier

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had an iPod touch for a couple of months now and its great, but a bit confused on how to search for a song? i had the ipod nano before and you could easly search for a song but i cant seem to find the option to search for it on the iPod touch? so could sombody tell me if you even are able to search for a song and if you can, how?

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  1. ipod>music>song title.. if your listening to music.. tap the <- arrow.. and then search for a new song..

  2. no you cant search for songs on the ipod touch but you can click on the first letter on the right of the song list to find a song

  3. You cant search for songs on the ipod touch but you can click on the first letter on the right of the song list to find a song

    You may also try this approach ipod>music>song title.. if your listening to music.. tap the <- arrow.. and then search for a new song..

    You can download iPod Music, Movies and Games at

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