
IQ information please...?

by  |  earlier

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OK I'm playing this missbimbo game and my bimbo currently has an IQ of 82 my goal is to get it to 90. My question is how dumb is an IQ of 82? Is she retarded?




  1. The average IQ score is 100. You're technically mentally challenged if your IQ is below 70.

  2. 100 is the average IQ but in 4th grade i waz 113 hehehe

  3. 100 is average. Anything below that is - um - slow.

  4. How complicated do you want to get?  At one point, she would have been considered below normal (85 to 115), but that was changed, and a lot of students were put into regular classrooms, where they had more opportunities.  But...with the changes in the laws, what happened is that now someone has to be about twice as far (70) from average (100) in order to get special help.  So there are a lot of kids who need help and don't get it, because of the way the laws are written, to provide money for programs.  It would work a lot better if children could be assigned to tutoring when it would help instead of when a law's rules were met.

    Your doll is low normal, but why are YOU choosing to play a game like this?

  5. IQ "average" is not a single number (100) but a range between 80 and 120. Anything in that range is considered  "average intelligence."

    Then you go up or down one standard deviation at a time. Here's one set that assumes the "average range" is 90 on the low end, and 109 on the upper end:

    130+ = Very superior (2.2% of population)

    120-129 = Superior (6.7% of population)

    110-119 = High average 16.1% of population)

    90-109 = Average 50% of population)

    80-89 = Low average 16.1% of population)

    70-79 = Borderline 6.7% of population)

    Below 70 Extremely low 2.2% of population)

    By the way, IQ does not correlate to "dumb" which is a word we used to use for people who were usually deaf and could not speak.

    Nor is IQ anything like "stupid," which means two things:

    1. Someone who has fallen away from the church or "true religion." (Used in the 1600s - 1800s)

    2. Per Dollard and Miller (social behavior theorists) "stupid" was knowing what you wanted to say, but not knowing the words. This is often the case with very young children, whose active vocabulary has not yet caught up with their mental images and daily experiences.

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