
IQ question! answer this please!!?

by Guest62256  |  earlier

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how do u make exactly 4 litres of water with a 5 litre container and a 3 litre container and access to water




  1. fill 5 litre container first.....5......0

    fill 3 litre container from 5 litre container....2.....3

    empty out 3 litre container.....2.....0

    pour 2 litres from 5 litre container into 3 litre container...0....2

    fill 5 litre container again....5...2

    top up 3 litre container from 5 litre container....4....3

  2. you take the 5 litre container and fill it to the top.  pour that water in the 3 litre container.  Now you have 2 litres in the larger container.

    Pour out the water in the small container.  Put the 2 litres from the larger container into the smaller container.  Then refill the large container.

    With the now refilled large container, pour water to add to the 2 litres in the small will add 1 litre, and take away 1 litre from the full large container...effectively leaving 4 litres of water in that container.

  3. Fill up the 5 litre and pour into the 3 litre. Dump out the three. You now have 2 litres in the 5 and the 3 is empty.

    Now pour the 2 litres into the 3 litre container. Now you have 2 litres in the 3 litre container and the 5 litre is empty.

    Now fill up the 5 litre container and use it to fill up the rest of the 3 litre container. This pours exactly one litre out of the full 5 litre container, leaving you with exactly 4 litres in the 5 litre container.

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