
IQ tests..... ................ >:(

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IQ tests don't determain your intelligence. and im smart enough to know that

im 15 and i get 106 one day and another day i get 132.... im not bragging and im not ranting.. all im saying is that its not something you can repeat and observe a pattern with.. which means ITS NOT SCIENTIFICLY CORRECT

what do u think?




  1. The problem is with the IQ tests you're taking.  It sounds like you're taking the online tests.  These are NOT accurate or precise - they all claim to be, but none of them agree with the official tests or each other.  I've taken most of them for fun, and my score has changed more than 60 points from one to another.  Either take an official, proctored exam to find out your 'official' IQ, or just don't worry about it.

  2. IQ tests are a great way of testing how good at IQ tests you are.

    I've had results ranging from 135 to 150 so it seems reasonably consistent for me but they only test a certain type of intelligence and there are plenty of other types which are important, not to mention all the other qualities that are important for a rounded person.

    The on line IQ tests aren't very accurate at all. None of them are anywhere near long enough.

  3. i.q tests are developed by someone who has a particular level of inteligence and will not register anyone else above that.the intelect is part of stupidity.

  4. I think you get 132 when there are no English grammar and spelling questions. However, I am surprised that your spread is this large.  You definitely need to improve your English. The best way to do that is to read good literature, it will help you to communicate better, besides you will acquire considerable knowledge by reading. Without improving your language skills, people will tend to assume you are not intelligent, and many doors, undeservedly will be closed to you

    Obviously, you are very intelligent, but, pardon me for saying this, you sound like a hillbilly.

  5. If you take the same test twice you may well see an improvement due to the practice effect. As for 'not scientifically correct' I don't know what that refers to.

  6. I think your absolutely positively correct

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