
IRAN vs. Isreal?

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If Iran and Isreal get into it here in the next few months i know all of the other middle east countries will side with i ran in an effort to finally destroy the jewish state. However, AMerica will not let Isreal fall because of our close ties together through religion. My question is if america enters into a fight with iran to help Isreal what will countries like china, russia and european countries do, could this lead to a third world war? Then who will be on whos side? Then could America win that war?




  1. I also think China and Russia would side with Iran and that the U.S. would not let Isreal be killed but I think that countries like India would side with the U.S. Don't underestimate India; they have a lot of resources especially nuclear. I agree that this could lead to a world war three. Finally I think most of Europe would side with Isreal because of the UN. Oh and Rasputin India and Pakistan have been fighting a WAR. If Pakistan sides with the U.S. India doesn't care, they would be with the U.S. from the start. If Pakistan decides to side with Isreal, India would still side with the U.S. India and Pakistan are NOT related other then the fact that they like to fight each other.

  2. I think it will be a very short war, if Israel and Iran went at it. Not only because the United States would get involved, but also because most of the Western World would protect Israel. You also have to remember that the United States and United Kingdom already have thousands of troops based in the Middle East and i'm sure many other countries, like Australia and Canada would give Iran a good kicking too. And don't forget the European Union and Japan.

  3. i think we are decades away from ww3, the russians dont want it, they have to rely on old out dated nukes that may or may not launch, the chinese have man power, but what decides modern war is air and sea power and nobody can match the USAF or the US Navy

  4. China, N.Korea and Russia will surely support Iran. Russia because of their oil interests in the region. India would support America or just watch everything happen.

    European countries like UK and other countries in Europe would support America too.

    And don't ever under-estimiate third world countries of not being capable of doing anything. Not everyone is Iraq. Developing countries like Iran and India are very powerful in terms of nuclear power and are not easy to fight.

  5. WHO CARES????


    THEY WILL OBLITERATE THEIR ENEMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  6. In WWII we dealt with the Hitlers of the time. We need to deal with the Hitlers of today whether they are rag heads or other types.

  7. I believe if Iran does attack Israel, there will be a third world war. Tension around the world is building up. The other countries will either remain neutral, or side with the side they agree with.

  8. If Israel is seriously threatened with extinction it will use nuclear weapons. The shock of this on world politics is totally unpredictable.

  9. A few facts:

    + US spends about the same amount of money on military as all other countries.

    + Israel has 20 nuclear warheads supplied by the US. Iran does not.

    + US Administration is supporting the Military - Industrial -Congressional complex by pumping oil from Iraq. It wants to control the oil fields in Iran as well.

    + US has repeatedly ignored international law and invaded and occupied countries without UN approval. You'd never guess this fact if you just listen to PBS or FOX news.

    + US has flagrantly violated the Geneva Convention and the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

    + The World Court has convicted the US of terrorist activities against civilian populations in Nicaragua.

    + The actions of this administration have similarities to what Hitler did during WWII. Hitler seemed much more capable of controlling and stabilizing countries that he had invaded.

    + If this is W W I I I, then the US is playing the role of Germany... However, there are no winners this time.

    Do you have plans for a fallout shelter?

  10. Brother, they have tried to "finally destroy Israel" like 4 times already, at favorable odds, and have been completely ANNIHILATED.  For that reason, middle eastern countries will only attack if Russia entered and helped them.  However, the U.S. and Israel would never let a conflict escalate to that point.  The biggest conflict I see in the future is Israel with a little U.S. naval help vs Iran and her puppet hezbollah.  Who do you think will win...hmmm...

  11. I believe it could, but it would be more likely that they sit back they also have strong ties with the IMF. Which is one of the real reason we have a strong relationship with Israel.

  12. All good things to think about if you are considering McCain who has publicly joked about bombing Iran.

    The idea of a Iran-Israel conflict escalating into a World War is unlikely, but not impossible I think.  My guess is that Iran made its little gesture of strength, but was only posturing, perhaps just announcing they will not be pushed around, perhaps trying to determine who will speak for and against them.

    I would guess China and Russia would denounce any US involvement on Israel's behalf.  Western Europe would mostly be supportive with plenty of protesters there along the way.  Pakistan would most likely side with Israel which puts India on our side.  I would doubt any of these nations would make any military commitment.

  13. If it did escalate into a 3rd world war then not even America would win, everyone would be more or less dead.

    China arent Muslim, they wouldnt interfere and Russia - well - Russia - I dont know.

    No middle eastern countries have the capability to effectively attack the USA though so thats ok.

  14. Possible war with Iran is overrated. I bet its never even going to happen.

  15. To be honest there are too many scenarios, administration pondering through each one. It simple depends on the overall situation. A lot would depend on how US aids Israel.

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates is taking a vary cautious approach, rearing it might lead to a regional or worse world war.

    Other middle eastern countries wouln't necessarily side with Iran, all will depend on the situation. Certainly if Iran does manage to dent Israel then highly likely other countries would step in and help Iran. Iranians don't necessarily have good ties with Arab countries ie Egypt, Jordan, S.Arabia etc.

    Pakistan will not help US or Israel. Pakistan and Iran are very good allies. Pakistan refused US to use Pakistan to attack Iran. Pakistan is a Muslim country, so if not officially majority of it's population will support Iran.

    India wouln't necessarily back US either. India has just signed

    an OIL agreement with Iran opposed by US. So India would also look after it's interests. China and Russia would see which way the wind is blowing. Russia is certainly mad and has threatened US over Iran.

    All depends on the situation, do countries directly involve themselves or indirectly. However there is no doubt about it there is danger that the war may escalate and turn into regional or world war. Certainly if the war continues for a period of time.

    One deliberate underestimation is made, making look Iranians as weaker than Israel. Iranians have capabilities matching Israel, a major reason US is taking a cautious report. Bush didn't get any support from European allies, I seriously doubt Europe would directly interfere, overall scenario depends on the situation I suppose. Countries like UK, Germany would take a cautious approach but Italy might aid US.

    Another worry of course is OIL prices, prices will definitely soar, and of course Iran has threatened that it will block Strait of Hormuz, causing OIL prices to skyrocket.

    So far countries directly or indirectly supporting Israel are US,

    France maybe, Italy. Iran is supported by China and Russia of course, some Arab countries like Syria, Libya, UAE etc.

    Other key players are other Arab countries, India, Pakistan, Europe, Australia etc.
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