Hello ,
I just received a notice in the mail from the IRS regarding my 2006 taxes. This notice/form is a 4549-EZ (Income Tax examination Changes) form. It states that I owe $1,536.15 in back taxes due to a Self employment Tax that was not reported in box 8a of my 2006 tax return. In 2006 was the first year that I did my own taxes, using Turbo Tax, since I became married and purchased a home. The only real difference from the previous year (2005 to 2006) was that I received a 1099 form that year for $10,715 that I earned in commissions from my employer. I registered these monies in line 21 as (Other Income From Form 1099-Misc) which dropped my return by some $1,500, so I know that they charged me the tax on it. I am an employee that is not self employed. All of my income has come from the same employer whether in the form of a W2 alone or both a W2 and my commission 1099 form. Any Ideas as to where the problem lies?
Thank you in advance!