
IRS has placed me on " unable to collect " list.?

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I fought and apeeled my tax case to the point where IRS won't persue me any longer, I think. My attorny says on 10/2013, the debt and lein will go away, for good. I find this hard to beleave because of all the BS I've listened to over the years. In 5 more years the amount IRS says I owe will be in 6 figure range. Will this problem follow me to the grave? What should I expect?




  1. The lien might go off after 10 years but they can just put a new one back on

    It will probably follow you to the grave

    I always tell people that I will die owing the IRS

    they suck

    they can garnish your wages, seize your bank account...........

  2. If your circumstances change anytime in the next few years, the debts could end up reinstated.

  3. You have to remember, you are dealing with the federal government.  These are the people that will spend ten million to recover a 42 cent postage stamp.

  4. Wartz's response is very accurate.

  5. An important thing to remember is that none of the forms telling the IRS that you owe taxes are un-rebuttable-- you can fill out the proper forms and counter those claims. You'll be surprised to learn that "wages" and "employment", when used in relation to taxes, DO NOT have the common meaning we normally use. They are specially-defined TERMS that have a very limited application.

    Not everything that you make is taxable, and how you file greatly affects your status with the IRS. The biggest mistake is not filing-- you are agreeing to be in debt by your silence.

    It is wrong for the government to interfere with your right to earn a living. The income tax is misunderstood by 99% of the people who enforce it, and therefore many people believe themselves liable who are not.

    It is possible for a reasonably intelligent person to understand the tax code, with a little patience and a good incentive such as yours.

    You owe it to yourself to read Cracking the Code by Peter Hendrickson. I have read the book 6 times. The link below shows proof that it is possible to get all your taxes back, along with Social Security and Medicare, which are also just income taxes.

    I am not connected to the site or Hendrickson in any way, but have benefitted greatly from learning the truth about the income tax.

    Best of luck!

  6. Very simply your IRS debt will follow you to the grave, then they will seize your property and all other assets and your family will be left with nothing!  Yes the IRS can and will garnish your wages and seize your bank account.  But credit card companies and all other debtors can do the same exact thing.  One thing the IRS can do that no other governmental agency can is enter your home, without a search warrant, kick you out of your home and seize everything you own!  It is the most powerful agency in the government.  More powerful than the FBI, the CIA or the NSA all rolled into one!  Besides all that, it is an unconstitutional agency that enforces and collects unconstitutional taxes. The US Constitution does no provide for the leveling and collection of income taxes.  h***s fire, that is one of the main reasons for this country breaking away from Great Britain in the first place!

  7. Every year  you will be sent a annual statement showing the amount you owe IRS can and will request that you provide a financial statement (form 433-F).  

    Why not try paying something every month.  I can believe you made this debt and refuse to pay.  What do you think you do to the rest of us.

    It will follow you to your grave but will not go in with you it will be up to your Estate to take care of the bill.

  8. This means that based on your current financial condition, you are not able to pay the tax due without hardship being imposed.  In cases like this, IRS classifies an account as currently not collectible and does not actively pursue collection.  

    The balance due remains due and, if a Notice of Federal Tax Lien has been filed, it remains in place until the statute of limitations on collection expires ten years from the date of the first bill IRS sent. This is similar to having a judgment on file against you.  If you own your home, you will not be able to sell or refinance it without dealing with the lien.

    You will get an annual notice stating your balance due and if you have a refund, it will be applied to what you owe.  If your income improves, the account will be reactivated and a fresh demand for payment will be made.  

    Until then you have the right to file an offer in compromise to settle the account for less than full payment.  This would best be accomplished if a family member was able to make a loan or give you an advance on your inheritance.   If you filed bankruptcy, the tax would probably be discharged.

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