
IRS stimulus check?

by  |  earlier

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I recieved the letter on Friday that my check would be mailed NO later than Friday, but I'm worried about the government keeping it due to some unpaid bills. I thought they were paid off, but am not sure. Would I have still recieved that letter if I was getting the money, or would an additional letter have come from whomever was keeping my check? I've looked on the website and got nothing. PLEASE, PLEASE help!?!




  1. Call Financial Management Services 1-800-304-3107 to see if there's a claim on your rebate.

  2. Yes, if you do owe back taxes, back child support, or defaulted student loans, your stimulus check will be taken to pay them off, but you'd still get the letter you got - then you'd get another letter later telling you why it was taken.

    But if the bills are for something else, or are paid off, you'll get your check.

  3. I recieved the same letter.

    Check the irs website. It says the checks will be mailed on the 27th so look for your check this coming up week.

    I figure around Tuesday or so they should be in.

  4. If you owe the government in taxes or if  you owe child support or if your employment check is currently being garnished then they would keep the check. Everyone gets pretty much the same letter and the letter actually states that if you dont receive it within 4 to 6 weeks contact the IRS. No you probably would not get a letter from whomever is keeping the money but you probably would get a letter from the IRS stating that you had a refund but the money was turned over to agencies that had a lien on the money. So you should be getting that check pretty soon. None of my clients or friends or relatives have received the check when they were supposed to. Some even received the check before the letter. Some have even had to wait about 2 weeks after the letter came.
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