
IS AL GORE the convenient LIAR??

by Guest62691  |  earlier

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Al Gore's "traveling global warming show," the award-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," includes a long flyover shot of majestic Antarctic ice shelves. But this shot was first seen in the 2004 blockbuster "The Day After Tomorrow." Sculpted from Styrofoam and later scanned into a computer, the ice shelf "flyover" looks real.

Karen Goulekas, the special effects supervisor for "The Day After Tomorrow" said the shot is a digital image. She was glad Al Gore used it in the documentary since "It is one h**l of a shot." Both movies use the shot to convincingly portray global warming, but it is left to the audience to decide if this created image can both entertain and educate us about our changing planet. Gore has refused to answer reporters phone calls.




  1. I don't get your point.  I know the deniers hold up Gore's picture when they're (you know what), but who cares?  I guess by the same argument the cartoon polar bears in the movie prove real polar bears prefer a tropical climate and the absence of ice, right?

  2. That fake shot was one of 168 factual errors in the film.  He's the Michael Moore of climatology- he takes facts out of context, misquotes the experts, uses fake movie footage and demonizes anyone who utters the truth.

  3. Gore's knowledge of the environment is equivalent to Tom Cruise's knowledge of Psychology. He read a book and figures he is an expert PhD with all the answers.

  4. Al Gore is awesome. He is a truly great man who is working hard. History will see him as a valiant and important figure. My guess is that 100 years from now they will remember more about what we did about GW than they will remember about Iraq, and possibly even 9/11.

    As Gore has said himself, individual effort to change lifestyle is good but cannot seriously alter the course we're on. Only large scale worldwide changes will alter the course. So his plane trip is pretty irrelevent by any measure.

  5. So far his movie has been proven to be 95% fake.

    There are two forms of the "global warming" alarmists:

    1) Those who admit Gore is a liar and a fraud, but still believe in what he says about AGW.

    2) Those who still love everything Gore does and says and won't admit he's a liar and a hypocrite.

    Both types are completely brain-washed and either are complete idiots or are advancing an agenda while knowing it's based on lies.   Very sad...

  6. It is a fact that extremely large portions of ice shelves have broken off in both the arctic and antarctic in recent history. Portraying it fictionally does not make it any less true only representational?

    If I were to show you a model of how an atom worked and not the real thing under an electron microscope would it make atoms any less real?

  7. Who cares what Al Gore says or does?  These guys don't, and they all say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  8. Did Al say the scene was 'real'.   I think the guy is a nut but picking on irrelevant issues like that is a waste of time.  There are plenty of documented "convenient misrepresentations" of the truth in the film to consider.   But in his defense, the guy is just trying to make a point, albeit backed by poor research or just plain laziness.

    We all have our opinions and can't help but let them obscure our vision.  That is why science has refereed journals offering peer review.  Several 'experts' in your field review your claims to at least determine if the science is good.  A paper is published, and only then does the real 'peer' review occur.  That's science.  There's plenty of that out there regarding Global Warming for and against.

    Hollywood does not nor should it have to referee the materials it spits out (with respect to facts). It's entertainment, not science.

  9. He had to use fake imagery for his fake issue.

  10. There's no reason whatsoever for Al Gore to lie. On the other hand Bush lied and deceived the american people regarding Iraq's WMD.

  11. Al Gore is an idiot! He goes against his own preachings. He does nothing to help with global warming. he puts out at least twice as much pollution than the average American. And if there is Global Warming why is it snowing in south Missouri in April? and unfortunately he will be remembered for a long time. He is the reason why there are legal battles about a mans tree blocking a neighbors solar panel. Even though the tree and the owner was there first he still had to cut it down.

  12. he is about as convincing as george dubya was in saying iraq had WMD....only one 'lie' has gotten thousands of americans killed....

  13. I wouldn't call him 'convenient' at all, its morons like him that are now causing us to pay 3.50 a gallon for fuel, with no end in sight.

  14. Yes.  He is.  He's selling carbon credits to himself.

    Lord.  He's so full of **it that his eyes are turning brown.

    I LOVE how when you say Al Gore is full of c**p and he's the spokesmodel for GW, they are all "who cares?"  Oi.  Before they'd be like "Al Gore knows what he's talking about." and now when he's proved to be a liar, they're like "Who cares?"  

    What a bunch of hypcrites.

    Edit:  Love of Truth is so delightfully unaware.  All of the ice that had disappeared from the last few years has been replaced, moreso, added to, because of this years harsh winter.  Should ah, update those facts there Truth.

    Captain Bear:  You're wrong. It's shown now that Hussain made it look like there were wmd's in his country.  He did this on purpose, and look where it got him.  Bush didn't lie, Hussain did, for whatever reason (to be feared I guess),'re wrong.

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