
IS AMERICA DEAD?? 10 trillion in debt.. liars for leaders..?

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a false war crubling bridges katrina isnt cleaned up yet ..

theft lying ..election fraud a divided country....the patriot act..

i could go on forever..and people are still wanting to vote??

is everyone oblivious to what is going on?




  1. it is what it is. love it or leave it dude!

  2. No , that's something Britain will be if we carry on the way we are  , USA is alive and kicking , and will be for sometime  

  3. You sound like an anti semite. Are you an anti semite?

  4. Things will get better.

  5. at least the US doesn't cheat in the Olympics, aren't suppressing Human Rights or practicing in ethnic cleansing.

    No country's hands are free of deceit and lies.

  6. The blue pills, Dean.  They'll make it allllll better.

  7. Yes. It's official: America is dead

    Killed by zionism.

  8. Bah!!! And thieves steal from banks and people get into car accidents OH NO!!!! OH OH OH and kids still wet their pants when they are 2 oh my!! What are we going to do now?? Lets call an ambulance for mosquito bite!!

    Cmon seriously troll!!

  9. Stupid is as Stupid does. What's funny to me is that these people actually think their vote and voice will be heard. Oil Companies don't hear anything but your wallet being emptied for their power over our Government and it's people. That would be all you voters who think you make a difference. Choosing which corrupt politician to elect (your vote doesn't count anyways) isn't going to change anything. Getting off your computer and doing something to stop the corruption would!

  10. I don't think so, I got up this morning and all seemed pretty lively, chicken little.  Try Canada, I'm sure you'll find it more to your liking.

  11. Nope...just tougher times, ....guess you weren't around during the Carter years when things were much worse and we still all survived...

    Carter years we had 11% unemployment, Inflation in the double digits, 18% mortgage loans, full blown rescession, gas lines and rationing....

  12. do you live in america? if so then leave. nothing is keeping you here... you complain about everything but arent doing anything to change it.

    there are people lining up to live here because their country is riddled with plague and famine, they are at war with each other, and their children are starving.

    you can trade places with them.

    no one is oblivious to whats going on, but apparently you are. why would you even question your ability to vote? people fought and died for that right to be given to you and you throw it away.  

    as a woman, and an american, i appreciate every right this country has given me. i appreciate the fact that you were not shot for posting this, as you would have been in many countries around the world. i appreciate the fact that yes, president bush ****** up with the katrina situation, but good samaritans like myself went down there and helped out.

    you get free education, you have never had to worry about food, water, shelter, or your house being blown up, because you live in this country. and you insult it? why not try to change it instead of bitching about what you perceive is wrong.

    or you can leave. that would be my vote.

  13. The GOP recommends not to see or talk about problems and it will disappear.

  14. Usa has gone to h**l in a hand basket. I hate to say it , but were so screwed. Look at our political choices for the next 4 years-all idiots...!

  15. our leaders are a bunch of crooks , just try to do the best you can , i am doing pretty well , i just try to stay low profile and out of all the S**t

  16. Nah, it's been that way for a while.

    I'm not laboring under any delusion that things are going to improve after this next election, but I'm also not convinced that things will come to a screeching halt either.

    It's going to take a lot of hard work to fix the screwups of the last administration - but this country is far from done.

  17. Fortunately, there is still lots of life left in America. But, the last 8 years were h**l.  

  18. McCain will fix it by doing stuff different than Bush, despite being in the same party and being funded by the same oil money. Amirite?

  19. No you have been listening to the Democrats too much, America is still very vibrant 5% unemployment is the lowest of any industrialized country, I agree lets leave Iraq and stop depending on China to fund our government and stop buying so much Chinese goods

  20. Please keep on going and I will check  back a couple days from now.

  21. What is your point?

  22. 45% of voters are brain dead. They voted for an idiot clown  2 times (2000, 2004) and ready to vote for one more again. They just can not understand, that their children will pay for McCain/Bush wars - huge price.

  23. We vote because voting gives us hope that things will change; even though they won't

    The Greeks were right, when Pandora opened that box and all the evils got sent out into the world, and hope stayed with her, they knew hope was the worst evil there was.

  24. what about the trillions the Clinton's left as a super-habit when they left?  

  25. Yep. The neoconservatives truly believe that it's a conservative thing to do these wars and borrow billions and trillions from communist countries to pay for it. A vote for John McCain is a vote for more war. He wants to attack Iran & Others. He can't wait to start a war.

    Listen to Pat Buchanan. One of the last true conservatives. He was the advisor of Ronald Reagan!

  26. Wow, I think America is dead in a way. All your negative thoughts are true. America has been dead for a while. People like to vote to feel like they are important. But in the end they help make stupid mistakes! and we end up with a moron for a president.  

  27. Likely it's going to be another depression, maybe not as sever as the 30's, but close.  

    Many people have accepted that we're already in a Recession.  I think it's something like 78% of Americans are in debt... which pretty well spells a depression.  

    But hey, as long as America keeps going to war for oil, we'll be okay!  =)

  28. i think so because in the bible it doesn'tt saynothingg about america in the end times...only theIsraelii countries ,mexico and asia and alll the other countries that have been here for milllions of years  

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