
IS Bigfoot Paranormal?

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All of the data seem to indicate this.

Came across and after doing searches on this.hdbrp has the largest database regarding these kinds of paranormal reports that I could find.

Stan Gordon has many as well.




  1. I feel quite certain that Bigfoot is not a paranormal experience to anyone who has ever actually seen one.  To such a person he would be very real indeed.

    The main reason that I tend to believe he is real is not because of any sighting that I have personally made of him, but rather because of a sighting made by a long time friend of mine who I trust very much.  I know him and he simply would not make something like that up.  Then there's the matter of all those thousands of other sightings that have been made by people all over the country.  Sure, I am aware of the confession made by that Wallace fellow back in the 1950s about hoaxing the Bigfoot phenomenon.  But what about all those historical accounts of the creature that go back well over a hundered years before that?

    My personal belief?  There's got to be someting out there that's giving rise to all these stories about sightings.  And I don't believe that that something is some prankster with a big pair of wooden feet.

  2. Not the way I think about it. If Bigfoot exists, it's normal. It's an actual animal. If there are only rumors it exists but little evidence, I still don't think of that as paranormal since any undiscovered animal is necessarily unknown until it is discovered, and we've discovered thousands upon thousands of animals. It would simply be another one. This is in contrast to, say, telekinesis, a doubted and highly debated "ability" which we don't have any known and confirmed counterpart to in the world of physics. I would call telekinesis paranormal.

    So, whether Bigfoot exists or not, I say not paranormal.

  3. i dont think so.. its just and animal thats kinda unusual and rare.. there have been sightings even in my country and footprint were found.. large ones.. (malaysia)

  4. Nope. Supposed to be some big Monkey/Human thing. Not Paranormal.

  5. No, Bigfoot is cryptozoology. Now if you consider cryptozoology to be paranormal, well just think about species that were thought to be extinct or myths that have been discovered to be real.

  6. If it's real then it's not paranormal.  The stubborn belief of so many cryptozoologists in something for which there is absolutlely no evidence is a bit abnormal though.

  7. Yes and no. Bigfoot if real probably has a normal explanation (natural evolution/mutation) just like every other paranormal experience will be understood eventually when our knowledge of the world increases.

    For example Hypnosis was once considered paranormal.

    So, the fact that BigFoot doesn't fit into any known species makes it paranormal but not supernatural. I would argue that all other paranormal events don't require a supernatural explanation either. However, they both require more understanding than a typical skeptics material reductionist view of science.

    So, it depends on how you use paranormal if used to mean beyond the normal range of knowledge than yes if you use it to mean requiring a supernatural explanation than no.

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