

by Guest45045  |  earlier

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  1. yeah i think so

  2. do you mean the land or the actual country? if you mean land, they would be around the same age. In terms of the actual country, the US is older.

  3. Both land masses are likely the same age.

  4. geographically, they're attached so the land is the same age.  If you're looking for other things, Canad had earlier settlements from Europeans in the 1100's from Vikings on the East Coast.  

    officially becoming a country, The USA was 1776, Canada was 1867, so Canada is consider a much younger country than the USA.

  5. Before any white man set foot on North America, the land was inhabited and settled by various native tribes, such as the Iriquois, Mohawk, Sioux, Cree, Apache, and other nations.

    The first white men (Vikings) established a settlement called "Vinland" in what is present day Newfoundland (Canada). That happened around 1003AD.

    Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer, sailed a set of ships on behalf of Queen Isabella of Spain to the "new world", and he landed in Bahamas, and saw the coast of Florida. That was in 1492.

    Not long after in 1498, English explorer John Cabot landed somewhere in the area of Newfoundland, and claimed the continent for the king of England.

    In 1513, Ponce de Leon set foot on American soil by landing on the shores of what is now Florida.

    However, it is the French who first decided to explore inwards on the continent. In 1534, Jacques Cartier established a colony in the area that later became part of Quebec. In 1608, Samuel de Champlain established Quebec City and spent much time charting and mapping the area.

    If I understand my US history, one of the first colonies in USA was Plymouth, MA. The first "thanksgiving" occurred there in 1676, and the town was established in 1685.

    The actual country of USA was formed when the US settlers were tired of England telling them what to do and having to collect and send taxes back to the king, so they declared independence and formed the country in 1776.

    The British were much more careful to not lose their northern colonies and the newly captured French colonies in Quebec area, so in 1791 they created Upper Canada (now Ontario) and Lower Canada (now Quebec).

    Finally, in 1867, the Dominion of Canada was formed with approval by the Queen of England.

    So with this history lesson, you should be able to tell me...Do you consider Canada and USA to only exist when they first BECAME a country, or did they exist before then based on when European settlers came to essentially form the countries? If you say the first one, then USA is older. If you think the settlers counted, then Canada is older.

    But does it really matter? We are all here now, so "carpe diem"...

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