
IS FRANCE A WHITE COUNTRY?? France is in latin europe ( spain , italy, portugal, france, belgium, greek)?

by Guest64839  |  earlier

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is latin europe white???( spain , italy, portugal, france, belgium, greek)




  1. I dont know whether France is a white country. It has majority caucasian polpulation. But it has a mix of african and caucasian crowd as well. It is the country with largest muslim population in europe. I did not know Arabs and africans are white;)

  2. Nope. They are all African there.

  3. you mix up Latin (the language) and Latino

    french is inferred of Latin (I know french as the Latin spoke in the army's of the roman empire.)

    in Europe we speak about the Mediterranean part of Europe. (countries around the Mediterranean sea) but that does not include Belgium.

  4. The native people of France are White.  So are the native people of all the other Southern European countries that you've listed.  There are many non-native immigrants both white and non-white that reside in France, Spain, Italy and all over Europe.  These people may speak the language of their adoptive country but they have a different ethnic heritage.  Nationality and Race/Ethnicity are different things.

  5. I am assuming you are an American.  In the USA the term latin refers to people who speak Spanish and have Native American, ******* or mixed ancestry.  You shouldn't confuse language with the racial make up of a country.  Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, and Greece are all white countries.  Surprisingly in it's heyday as a great civilization Egypt was a white country.   It did not start to decline as a civilization until race mixing became an excepted practice there.

    Back to France.  Yes currently France is a white country.  Unfortunately that may not remain true for long.  Currently there is a large immigration of Arab Semites and Negroes into France that is rapidly changing the demographics of that country.  Many of the French people see what is happening to their country and wish to stop it, but they are silenced by those that control the media.  They are labeled racists and haters.  In some cases they can be put in prison for voicing the opinion that France should remain French.

  6. latin europe? no theyre chinese

  7. Seems like you dont know the meaning of "Latin Europe".

  8. France was a 'white' (i.e. pale Caucasian) country as is most of Europe.  It is far enough north that pale skin is selected because of neural tube defects (i.e. fatal birth defects)- in areas where sunlight is not as common, vitamin D production is less in darker skinned people,  causing them.  In more tropical countries, too much sun in pale skinned people damages folic acid, also causing fatal neural tube birth defects...  It is possible to eat a diet that will prevent this - i.e. Eskimos who eat a lot of seal fats don't have that problem...

  9. actyally france has a lot of coloured people.

    fthere is no such thing as latin europe. italy spain portugal spoke latin and greece! is far from it

  10. France is a Caucasian country,  Some 15/16,000yag they populated America. The red man!

  11. Interesting question. French culture is in fact known as Oil (there should be a double dot on the i). The intermediary between oil and latin culture is occitan, found in southern France and Northern Spain (Catalonia is considered to be at the heart of Occitan culture). Oil culture bears more relation to central European Germanic culture, while occitan culture resembles the latin culture more.

    Many French people are of Arab descent. In Spain, many natives are more closely related to North African than European origins; this is not only because of Moorish presence there between 711 - 1492 AD but also because the original population in Spain was Iberic and Phoenician, both being of African origin. the reason why there are very few blond-haired people in Spain (less than 10% of the population) is because there are closer genetic ties to North African than Northern European countries (where the gene for blond hair originates).

    Needless to say, there is no such thing as a 'white country'. A large number of the French population is of Arab descent and fortunately French culture more and more is developing into an open culture where people of different backgrounds and cultures can interrelate more easily.

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