
IS INDIA better than USA? Why or Why not??

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  1. India is a lot better than USA. there are less child crimes. It is a very safe place to bring up children.

  2. All terrorists created by USA.

    India is better than usa

  3. I would have to say that the USA is 10 times better. That's just my opinion not to say that I don't like India. I just think they are taking away American jobs. They just need to go back to India where they came from. Sorry, If this offends you I am just getting my opinion.

  4. I do not understand why we look for "better" or "best".

    We should be able to take every one as "GOOD".

    And make it more "GOOD".

    Certain matters is India is better than any where else where certain thing in USA is better than all others. So we can not compare in reality.

  5. better cuz its have bigger land  than  india and  less population desities than india and more stuff more more more more....etc

  6. I would have to say that the USA is 10 times better.

  7. We need to realise that India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world.

    It has the third largest army , fourth largest air force and the fifth navy... , having the third largest defence in the world..

    but India suffers from large amounts of poverty.

    I agree with the fact that India has the richest person in the world...

    and has the third largest number of millionaires...

    but more than 1/5th of Indians make less than $10 a week..

    India has the 4th best Aerospace technology.

    India has one of the brainiest kids...

    but, India still has a far way to go...

    Conclusion - US is better than India... But India isnt far away..

  8. India is 10 times better than the USA because people in India are way smarter, and if you are in 5 grade in India, you will be doing something that an 8th grader would be doing. And THAT WOULD BE ON GRADE LEVEL. Indians are taking away american jobs because Indians are smarter.

  9. On what aspects?Defence ie., militarily? Then there is no comparison....Their defence budget is almost 75-80%-  of our

    GDP!We maybe growing but we have a very very long way to go. Infrastructure wise there is no comparison, again we are miles behind. Technologywise its the same story. Its only in human resources we are ahead we have a HUGE young population.

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