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hi there

i ovulated on my own last month for the first time in over 3 years, my dr just prescribed me 100mg clomid? is it still ok to start taking it when i get my next period as i just had one and missed the chance to start the clomid?

will it just mean an increased chance of multiple pregnancy? or will it be dangerous for me?




  1. If your doctor prescribed it, then you are clear to take it. But the real question is, which schedule should you be on? Really, you should call his/her office and find out if you're supposed to start it on CD3 or CD5. There are three versions, depending on how strong your own ovulation already is. The strongest 'jump-start' which you probably don't want, is CD1-5, then there's CD3-7 and finally CD5-9 which is where most women begin. I'd probably go with that schedule. Your chances of multiples are greater (as high as 1 in 10) with Clomid. If your doctor has cleared you for taking it, it will be safe. However, if you get bad side effects, call your doctor to check that you're not at risk for OHSS. But I'm sure you'll be fine.

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