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Is it true that my last prayer should be witr or is this merely recommended as a prudent course of action by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Once I pray witr after Isha and later I want to pray Nafil, can I do so?




  1. NO.....Witr was prophet (saw) last prayer of the night....

    Muslims should be following what he did,not what they like.....You can pray any number of Nafil,but before the witr prayer......

    correct me if i m wrong,inshaallah

  2. Yes why not?

    but it is better not to pray after witr and to mae the witr your last prayer

    at night.

  3. Salam for you my dear friend Of course you are allowed to offer nafl salah after witr salah but this  nafl salah should be without witr. salah In his  hadits Muhammad pbuh said that there is no twice witr in a night.So you can make a witr salah after isha salah or you can make isha salah without witr salah and then you make witr salah after you make nafl salah in a night.

  4. Many companions of the Prophet (PBUH) including Abubacker Siddik (R.A.) prayed witr immediately after the rawathib of Isha and prayed tahajjud salat before azan of Fajr.  Prophet (PBUH) approved the act of Abubacker Siddik (R.A.) when the matter was brought to his notice by Hazrath Umar (R.A.).  Salatul istiqara, salatul hajath etc. can be prayed after witr salat.

    However, it was the practice of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) to pray witr after tahajjud.  So, it is better for those who are sure that they will awake much early before Fajr and pray tahajjud to pray witr after tahajjud.

  5. YES  you may perform as much nafl as you want after the witr however you should be mindful that you do not pray during the prohibited times

  6. you can definitely offer Nafil prayers after Witr prayers. there is no restriction on this.~!

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