
IS Johnny Damon the biggest Sellout in MLB today???

by  |  earlier

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I mean the guy was a Yankee Killer and played his best baseball against them...then he takes a bigger contract to a team that he used to hate and 98% of Boston hates. wheres the Loyalty to your team the way Derek Jeter and Chipper Jones have??? I don't like either team but if you look in the Urban Dictionary for "sellout" you will see

~ See Damon, Johnny




  1. its buisness if i got a pay increase at my rival company i think i would go ther dont hate just cause he got paid sound like one red sox fan is still a little mad

  2. lol


    im a yankee fan

    he sed dat he wud never play for the yankees

    dat has sellout wrriten all over it

  3. You should have posted this question like 3 years ago.  A little late now.

  4. I'm a Red Sox fan and I do not consider him to be a "sellout". He helped our team end an 86 World Series drought. We wouldn't have made it without him. He was a KEY component to the 2004 team. Baseball is a business and I totally understand that. Of course, I'd rather see him in a Red Sox uniform, but no hard feelings from me.

  5. I guess Babe Ruth was a sellout.

  6. No. I don't like how he came out and said "I will never play for the Yankees" and went to do just that, but baseball is not only a passion, it's a business. I agree completely with Greta. The Sox did not give him what he wanted, and he went somewhere else. If you were offered a contract from a team but could go somewhere else for more money, I bet you would take the contract with the most money.

  7. OMG!! get over it already he's a yankee 3 yrs this yr,move on with your life like he did.

  8. Nope.  NY is his 4th team.  He had no choice when he was traded the 1st time.  He came to Boston when he got the "right" offer.  He left Boston when the Yanks gave him the "right" offer..  So if he left Boston and signed with the Rangers or Cubs, (or whomever except NYY) would you still be asking this question?

  9. No, Manny Ramirez is.  He played on Indians teams that couldn't get past the Red Sox in the playoffs.  The he became a free agent, refused the "home town discount" the Indians offered him, and went to collect every penny the Red Sox were willing to pay him.


    In fact, they just mentioned Manny and his contract on the game.  Wait til the end of this year when Manny and Scott Boras bolt from Boston.  Then Manny will go home to New York to finish his career.  And I don't mean with the Mets.

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