
IS MY DAUGHTER A early bloomer?

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My daughter just got her period (she is 10 years old) and I was just wondering if she is a early bloomer. What is the average age for a girl to get her period, and she is wondering iif she could shave her bikini area and legs, and I don't know what to answer.




  1. I would say that she's slightly an early bloomer. not by much, but a little bit. 10 is normal to get a period, but most girls I know didn't get theirs until 11/12-ish. I think the average age is 12 from what I've seen with my friends... I would say that you recommend that she doesn't shave her bikini area, or just trim it instead, and that she waits until she turns 11 to shave her legs, unless they are unusually hairy.

  2. well my daughter started hers and she was 8 so i think she is reigh on schuled(SP)

    and i think you shoul just let her get a brazilian and wax her lags = ]

  3. 10 is early

    15 is late

    yes let her shave

    i started just when i turned 11, i'm 14 now.

  4. Mty oldest is now 16 and she started when she was 10 and 3 months.  My other daughter is almost 11 and still shows no sign of maturing in anyway so all girls are different and also if the mom started young the girls tend to.

    As far as shaving goes that is a personal choice if she wants to fine but make sure she knows it is an ongoing thing so sometimes waiting is better.  Try the nair instead of razors for her until she is more comfortable with it.

  5. Well the average age of puberty onset in girls is 10.5 years old. Because of all the hormone development in the foods and drinks these days, kids are reaching puberty as young as 7/8 years old. Your daughter is average, neither late or early.

  6. My daughter is nine and she is starting to experience the change from girl to young woman. I got her a book called. The Body Book made by American Girl. It tells these girls what to expect, and more importantly that its okay to experience this. And that she should share it with her mom.

    If she wants to shave, let her practice on her legs first, then let her move to her biniki area, and remember, if she doesnt shave it yeat, it wont be as dark.

  7. she is a early bloomer, but it isn't a bad thing or anything, i had mines when i was 10.

    let her shave, she's bond to do it anyways .

  8. Ten's a bit early, but not unusually so.

    Can she shave? Sure she can - but once she starts the hair will grow back thicker and darker. Unless it's embarrassing her, best not to until she needs to.

    And I really don't get what the problem is with modern razors. They're perfectly safe - much preferable to plastering your child's skin with chemicals. It's not like you're going to be giving her a Victorian cutthroat razor!

  9. she could be an early bloomer.  i was around 10 when i started having my periods as well.  i think the average is maybe around like 12 or 13 for them to start having their periods but some girls do start earlier than that and some start later on, it depends.

    as for the shaving, it's ok if she wants to shave her legs although i would probably have her wait on the bikini area, at least for a few years.

  10. I started in the 5th grade.  I guess that is 10 yrs old.  I didn't think that was an early bloomer cause my friends had all started.  that was 18 yrs ago though.  (omg I'm old!)

    As far as the shaving of the bikini area..... what are her reasons??

    My niece just started shaving this year & shes 13.. but just her legs and she uses nair.

    I would tell her that she can once summer starts & she starts wearing bathing suits.. otherwise newp.

    That does sound a bit young.. but maybe that's just me.

    My poor daughter is going to hate me when she gets that age, I'm not gonna let her do a thing!  LOL

  11. a 11 and i got my period in september!!!

  12. let her shave my dughter started shaving in 3rd grade and she is in 5th now... also let her shave her bikini line that is also normal and also normal for girls to get their periods at 10-16 years of age

  13. My daughter is ten and she's beginning to show signs: tender nipples, cramping, moody etc.  I've been hearing from the other moms they're all the same... so I say she's on schedule.

    I heard on the news a few nights ago that due to junk food like McDonald's and hormones added to foods kids are reaching puberty earlier now.

  14. Yep, she's an early bloomer.  The shaving is totally up to you and shouldn't have anything to do with menstration.  If she's really fuzzy and it's bothering her, maybe she could start shaving from the knees down?  If she's in a bathing suit a lot, and in public, and there is a chance she'll be exposing pubic hair, then by all means, let her shave.  Or teach her to use Nair.  There's nothing worse, or more humiliating, to a blossoming young lady than being on display and being "different."  It's uncomfortable.

  15. My cousin is the same age. I recently had a conversation with her mother about it. She has had her period for a few months, and her leg hairs are getting, a bit dark.

    Since neither of us, could deal with her holding a razor and shaving herself, we all had our legs waxed professionally.

    There is no need to do her bikini line at that age.

  16. let her shave.

    the average age for period is 10-16, so no need to worry


  17. This is a personal question but is she a little overweight? There is a fact that children over weight do get periods early but also when did you get yours and your mother??? Things like this can be hereditary but obviously not all cases. There are a few of my cousins who are young that have started their period. If she feels like she is ready to shave then go for it. This will be a hard time with her as her hormones will run a little crazy but also she has a little more independence about herself. Good luck hope i helped.

  18. i was made to wait til i was 14 to shave my legs, and why would a 10 year old want to shave their bikini area? who is going to see it.

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