
IS Obama's Pastor a Christian? Or is he Cook- coo pots?

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As a Christian myself. I have never heard any Religious Pastor (a legitamate one) Speau.....that kind of sermon (besides Farrakhan of course) Wow...The Denial in Obama'a camp is just not going to cut it.




  1. He is a racist of the first order.  I am tired of hearing him.   Not Christan in any way I understand Christianity.  If I did not read about him I would have thought him a member in good standing in the Nation of Islam.  I think he is.

    He hates my country, a country that has made him very rich but he has not left to live in Libya maybe Cuba.

    There are many of these kinds of charlatans running around.  But to have him Christen Obamas children, marry him and his wife.  Would you want your children hearing him "preach".  That's Hate speech!  

    The good God has brought out in this is that there is no way Obama will make it to the White House !  Hallaua brother!

  2. I saw Pat Robertson pray for the assassination of Colin Powell on national television. He wanted to nuke foggy bottom.

    Lots of republican candidates kiss his ***.

    Let's not pretend Christian and crazy are mutually exclusive, and let's not pretend Obama is the first politician associate with a religious zealot.

    "3)Our county can not afford someone that needs On the Job experience when it comes to counterring terrorism!"

    "LOL What experience does Hilary have countering terrorism, or McCain for that matter?"

    Did Hilary and McCain stop some terrorist attacks that we little people didn't hear about?

  3. I have been trying to figure out the difference in that so called Pastor and Al Sharpton, figured there is none, both are race baiters.

  4. I as a Christian, have never heard another Pastor talk with so much hatred in all my life as Rev. Wright. Aren't we as Christians suppose to love EVERYONE as Christ does? I have my doubts about this man. Obama can deny Rev. Wright now all he wants, but after 20 years of service to this man and his church, I don't think people are going to buy that .

  5. If you are a Christian  then you know only God knows the heart.

  6. You must be because you are extremely judgmental.

    It's a Christian flaw.

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