
IS SHE PREGNANT???............?

by Guest33585  |  earlier

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Is she pregnant? She's mean to...Heres the link...please let me know..

How close? I don't have a boy fish and they all look PREGNANt! Its driving me crazy! she's bigger now




  1. How long have you had the fish? Were they in a mixed tank when you bought them? Mollies, as with most livebearers, once they have been in a tank with males are pretty much guaranteed to be impregnated. They can then hold on to sperm for up to three spawns or so over the next few months. So yes, there's a high chance your fish is pregnant.

  2. I dont think that she is pregnant, fish can gain and lose weight in a day depending on how much they are fed, if she gets really big to the point where you can see her sides bulging when you look down from the top of the tank then she is.

    By The Way, nice fish!

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