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Is it haram to take pictures with a digital camera?I know its haram to DRAW pictures but taking it with digital camera is diffrent right?And plus i know i would never hang pictures on the walls of my house nor will i ever take those pictures as idols and worshipp them just take them for memories and for fun and i dont even put them on my comptuer screen so is it haram to take pictures with digital camera?




  1. lol its not haraam,unless you take pics of ahem.......... uknow what i mean

  2. no but many scientist say yes. its not haram to drwa people with faces but if they look so real then yes. you cant remeber any1 unleess you take a picture.  its like saying you cant look at the mirror!

  3. pictures prevent angels from infesting your house, i say good riddance

  4. omg i didnt know drawing is haraam =S

    but i draw like a five year old so thats okay for me haha

    i think its okay cuz i have loadzzzzzzzzzzzz of digi pics on my laptop and camera and no one told me to stop so im sure its okay as long as it's appropriate =]

  5. Ahaadeeth from the Prophet sallallaahu’alaihiwasallam:

    Allaah’s Messenger said: “Those who make these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them, ‘Make alive what you have created.’” [Bukhaaree and Muslim]

    Narrated ’Aaishah radiyallaahu’anhaa: Allaah’s Messenger sallallaahu’alaihiwasallam returned from a journey when I had placed a curtain of mine having images over the door of a chamber of mine. When Allaah’s Messenger sallallaahu’alaihiwasallam saw it he tore it apart and said: “The people who will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Resurrection will be those who try to make the like of Allaah’s creation.” [Bukhaaree]

    The Prophet sallallaahu’alaihiwasallam forbade taking the price of blood, the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute. He also cursed the one who took or gave ribaa (interest), the lady who tattooed others or got herself tattoed, and the image maker. [Bukhaaree]

    The most severely punished people on the Day of Resurrection would be the image-makers. [Bukhaaree and Muslim]

    Every image-maker will be in the fire of h**l. A soul will be made for him for every image which he has made and it will punish him in the h**l-fire. [Muslim]

    Allaah the Glorious and Exalted said, “Who is more a wrongdoer than one who tries to create creation like My creation. Let him create a small ant or a grain of wheat.” [Muslim]

    A neck will come out from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection. It will have two eyes which see, two ears which hear, and a tongue which speaks. It will say, ‘I have been entrusted with three: every rebellious oppressor, everyone who calls on another god along with Allaah and the image-makers. [Tirmidhee – Saheeh]

  6. maybe -thats why Arabs never taken pictures while the rape Indian and Pakistani housemaids

  7. hi

    as far as i know it is only haraam to display pictures as you know it is considered idol worshipping

    though taking pictures with a digital camera - pretty precise- is OK as you can use them for memories.

    hope this helps

  8. I think no, i think if taking pictures is haram, then all reflective surfaces would need to be haram too.  

    Some people will argue though that it is.  I've seen some scholars disagree.  

    Oooh, i learned this about scholars the other day.   all it takes to be a scholar is to go to school for X amount of years (X varies somewhat)......but yeah, i've known near braindead people get 4.0's in college,

  9. the concept of 'a picture' includes photos as well as paintings , but the thing is , it's not haram unless your making it to idolize someone , or for example , when someone dies some people put a picture of him anywhere , on the wall , the grave , or any other place, that's the haram. but taking pictures or painting them is not haram as long as it's for a good purpose .and contains no haram things

    my own sister is a painter . but some people say it's altogether haram , and the 4 schools of thoughts differed on whether it's totally haram . or just haram when it shows the whole body

  10. it is a contraversial issue,brother

    i am sure you will find many answers telling you it is haram. But What Molana Mufti Sheikh Sultan Bin LahuLahan said was Its Ok to Take a Picture !

    Hope that Helped

  11. it is a controversial issue,brother

    i am sure you will find many answers telling you it is haram.

    One finds a number of traditions from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, condemning people who make 'Tasweer', which denotes painting or ''carving'' images or ''statues.'' It was closely associated with ''paganism'' or shirk. People were in the habit of carving images and statues for the sake of worship.

    Islam, therefore, declared Tasweer forbidden because of its close association with shirk (association of partners with Allah). One of the stated principles of usul-u-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) is that if anything directly leads to haram, it is likewise haram.

    so does photography nowadays is carving statues? or even worshipping the photos u take?

    one cannot make an unqualified statement to the effect that all photography is halal. It all depends on the use and function of it. If it is for educational purpose and has not been tainted with the motive of reverence and hero worship, there is nothing in the sources to prohibit it.

  12. No it isn't. Trust me, it isn't. When you have no intention of idol worship then it's fine!

  13. no it is not harram. unless they are  immodest!!

    in this era picture is needed!!

    Ranoush is also right!!

  14. of course not

    i ahve about 23, 000 or more pics on my computer take with digital camera!

    but it is haram if the pictures are

  15. hmm... to me, digital camera pics sounds fine as long as its not being changed to have your own "creation"... or so to speak...  but i am nowhere near the status of a scholar.  And the scholar's had disagreements on this issue.  

    So you have to do a long research.  Research on this topic is very hard to complete (from my experience).  Specially if you don't know arabic.  And therefore, to decide which one has strong proof would take a bit of time.  But hope and pray all the best for you.

    May Allah help us, guide us and keep us the straight path ameen.

    wa aleikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

  16. Br Salman brings up a good point about the types of picture taken.  It should certainly be modest.

    But I can't imagine why a picture would be haram if it's a regular modest picture.  The picture itself is not haram.  Worshipping that picture is haram.

    The Prophet (sa) forbade carving statues becuase idol worship was, and is still, a big problem mankind faced.  

    However a picture is different becuase it is a mirror image of the person.  Having a picture of your loved ones in your home is nothing to be considered haram.

    love for all, hatred for none

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