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and the Queen have on the 16th of July 2008 completely and fully ratified the Lisbon Treaty.

Does this mean once Brussels declares the treaty in force that they have finally accepted Westminsters and the Queens surrender?

How do you feel about no longer being a self governed nation

how do you feel about being a European instead of Scottish ,Welsh,Norther Irish or sasannach (english)

Did you know in 2018 passports will say northern european




  1. The Labour party lied to us about a referendum.  Its as simple as that!!!!!   Remember this at the next election.

  2. dont let a treaty

    define who you are

    labels have little meaning

  3. First of all, this is the UKIP take on the Lisbon treaty rather than an accurate statement.

    Having said which, its ratification treats the British People with contempt - the Irish People voted against, and we should have had a chance to vote here.

    We - and not only in Britain - need to turn out a political caste, irrespective of party,  that treats us with contempt.

    And - having said all of which - independence from America is actually far more important than this - the EU is not paying a gang of criminal collaborator politicians to send British solders to die in their lawless imperialist wars.

  4. I agree!Gordon Brown has sold us,the electorate 'Down the river'!Surely!Even a political nonentity like him should have realised it would be end of his political ambitions as well as sending The Labour Party to the scrapheap of frontline politics  reduced to a party of protest and Student Union level politics!

    Over the years,I have noticed that the electorate have forgiven mistakes!The notion being!You cannot get it right every time!

    But we are talking about down right lies!When the Lisbon Treaty is mentioned!Brown has sold our country 'down the river'For what?

    I keep asking myself this question?What benefits do I and my family get out of this Lisbon Treaty!Nothing at all!

    For this act of political treachery!Labour will pay a very heavy price when the  General Election eventually arrives!

    Down with Brown!!

  5. sounds like you deserted the sinking ship just in time Jock

  6. i think a lot of this c**p will be reversed after the next election. if brown thinks he can sell out this country and nobody will notice hes in for a big surprise . what a greasy traitor .

  7. They are trying to do away with our national sovereignty. I'm not kidding.

  8. "How do you feel about no longer being a self governed nation"

    Very unhappy.  Betrayed.

    "How do you feel about being a European instead of Scottish ,Welsh,Norther Irish or sasannach (english)"

    Very unhappy and betrayed.  I am NOT European and never will be.  I'm Welsh and British.

  9. not read whats been signed.

  10. Yes it's a Scot who has sold out this Country,

    My passport says British now,

    I think more of myself as English though.

    I am sure you feel more Scottish than British, eh?

    Anyone can be British, it does not mean a lot these days,

  11. I think that he has sold this country down a river, but he's not the only one. Makes me laugh that in an apparent democracy we weren't given the right to vote due to the fact that he would get beat.

    Someone needs to tell him Democracy is allowing people to have their say even if you don't agree with it. The UK may actually improve in relation to Crime etc as in no other country would you get told to not be naughty boys and get whole new lives after serving a few years for murdering a child. Yet you can do it this country.

  12. Well, if your Avatar's correct you've already [expletive deleted] off to Chile, so maybe you should just apply for Nationality there. I'm guessing your one of these ultra nationalistic types that spend about 3 weeks a year in your own country.

    I spend time moaning about 'little Englanders' maybe I should look closer to home...

  13. My passport already says europe, northen europe is slightly better.

    The labour party seem to want us all to be classed as european. I don't want to european or british just classed as my country.

    On forms where it says nationality it gets so confusing because forms are sent back saying i can't put welsh its british or i cant put british i have to say welsh. Im confused so ive decided to put welsh - british.

  14. The Conservatives fought for us to be in the EU, until they realised that it might actually be good for people and they could take their case to Europe if their country mistreated them.

    I don't see what's wrong with being European. What's so great about being British anyway? Our country is full of celebrity and reality TV chavs. Everywhere I go the ugly pig nosed Victoria Beckham is trying to get my attention from somewhere because there are so many idiots in society wanting to help make her rich and caring about what boring rubbish she talks about.

    When the Conservatives were in power we had old people who had their free eye tests taken away and out VAT was put up so poor people had to pay more and public services were run to the ground. They only want us to not be in the EU so they can make us a state of the USA and treat us like dirt.

    I thought it was the SNP dream to be a separate nation in the EU?

  15. When the Eurocrats are finished we will no longer be a country just a principality of Europe..Remember that at the next election

  16. i believe that Europe would work if we were not the only country taking any notice of its rules as a traveler to other EC countries  you can see this at first hand look at the local markets go to the fishing villages they still fish with impunity we obey all rules much to our cost look at state pensions they are a joke in the UK.

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