
IS THIS A GHOST??? Again?????

by  |  earlier

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i'm sitting at my computer reading something online. when i let go of my WIRELESS mouse and set my hands to the side, the mouse just started moving... on it's own. this is not the first time something has happened like this, if you have seen my question i asked yesterday.

what's going on?




  1. Well, maybe it is a ghost haunting you, for being extremely rude to other people for no reason at all. You can not even spell properly, you spelled couldn't wrong. You do not write in complete sentences, when you start a sentence you always start with a capital.    

    This is what you wrote for your answer to my question, I will remind you.  


    This is your words not mine.

    "it's not funny at all, it shows how much of an idiot you are; you coulnd't even get the title right!"

  2. there are no such things as ghosts, it was either something which can be explained, God doing something, or a demon who possessed the mouse, but I highly doubt the ones concerning God moving it or a demon.

  3. was it a earthquake?????///

    record these events, seriously!

    try to analyze the mouse.

    if your serious yuo have something weird in you, like a "spell", lol

    if its fake just get a life

  4. i think the ghost is trying to look a p**n..... make sUre u don't bring the ghost to ur office!!!!!!!!!

  5. Don't worry its just a thing that happens sometimes. cause my mouse does it all the time.

  6. wtf better call the ghost busters or those guys on the sci fi channel!!!

  7. This is without a doubt a Demon. Don't worry many people that come on YA seem to get possessed by this Demon of causing people to ask made up, attention seeking questions.

    The only known cure is to actually read answers to real questions and attempt to learn something while you're here.

    Beyond that you are doomed to a life of poor imagination, easily seen through fake questions, and limited learning.

    Don't despair though SE New Mexico offers excellent pay for those who wish to pursue a career in long distance truck driving which only requires a commercial driver license you don't even to need to make it out of high school.


  8. Someone else may have remote access and is working on your computer.  Check your firewall status, change your log in password and delete your "GUEST" login completely.

  9. I'm not sure ask the guy below me.

  10. its probably just ur mouse

  11. maybe ur house is haunted or its the power of the unreal or its a practical joke or it just does it auto matically

  12. static electricity?

  13. My mouse will do this too, depending the surface it's placed on. If there is not enough contrast in the surface, the mouse doesn't "lock on", for lack of a better explanation, to a specific point on the surface so the pointer wanders off in a straight line.

    However, the actual mouse isn't moving when this happens. Are you sure the mouse moved? How far did it move?

  14. I bet your mouse isn't on a level surface.  That being the case, fI would explain this 'phenomenon' as a symptom of gravity...

    Put a marble where your mouse is when it moves, and see if it rolls.

  15. do you mean the actual mouse or the cursor (the little white arrow on your screen)

  16. Well, it is a mouse, what do you expect?

    It has to move, its probably a good sign, this just telling you "I'm still alive"

  17. You are not to bright are you? Ghost  lol

  18. its probably an uneven serface

  19. wow thats so weird...

    sounds like a ghost.



  21. you know the ages to go on this website is 13 and older right?

  22. It is a wireless mouse that runs wirelessly. It could be picking up activity off someone else's computer. Mine has done that before. It's not a ghost.

  23. Weird , you prob have telekinesis, lol :D

  24. no

  25. no your just not controlling it and it tends to roll..mine does that too....

  26. it's a poltergeist, they tend to make fun

  27. I don't know about your chip thing...that sounds like a ghost possibly.

    The mouse thing though. I have an optical mouse and I have noticed that the cursor will move on the screen with out any involvement from me.

    If it was the mouse physically moving with out any help...well then it is probably the same ghost. Or you have some serious slope to your desk.

  28. its normal happens to me all the time its not a ghost if its a laser mouse the surface which it is on can be to shinny and reflect back to the mouse giving false readings

  29. well  being that i work with the paranormal i have a question for you is there anything that may have caused a vibration of any sort ? other then that with out checking into it with equipment and different things we use to research the paranormal you may have a playful friend

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