

by Guest65576  |  earlier

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he saiid ii'm TH3 1NE!

we biin together 4 'bout UN0 month now!

iT'S P3RFiiCT-0!

aha, sorry for the nerd-ness.

but he also said he wants to have a


&&ii jus turned 14;;

0ld enough to kno iif itz l-0-v-3!!

S0 iiS iiT L0V3 0R iiZ HE A LiiAR?

an should we have a child!





  1. Yehhhh

  2. Do not have a baby. That is ridiculous! At 14, you still have a lot of teenage things to do, like go to the prom and graduate with all of your friends. If you do have a baby, he&#039;s probably not going to stick around much longer, and say goodbye to your social life and your friends. No more going to the mall or to the movies. Having a child will change your life forever not in a good way. When you are in love with someone, and the time is right to have a baby, you&#039;ll know. But it definitely won&#039;t be after one month and it won&#039;t be while you are 14. I agree with who ever said you should tell your mommy. This spells disaster.

  3. This is Madnees

  4. who the h**l wants 2 have a baby at 14

  5. youre 14 and want a baby

  6. dont even think about having a baby yet!!!

    I had my son when I was 18 and im 25 now and I love my boy to death but I would not recommend any person to try to fall pregnant on purpose before they are even considered an adult.

    -- you will know within your heart if a person truly loves you. no one can guess that for you over the internet. We dont know the guy so no one here can answer that for you. Just trust your own intuition and everything will fall into place.

    Good luck

  7. 14 year old girl having a baby?! Not a good headline in a newspaper.

    he is definitely a liar if its love he would think about you and not about the child and if he loves you he will not give you a problem such as having a baby

  8. its hard to belive your serious, but then again your 14... h**l no dont have a baby, atleast wait till your senior year of highschool, then its pretty normal. i dont know any guys who wants a baby, you shouldnt really want one that young. maybe hes just tryin to say he wants s*x, tell your mommy, or an adult.

    good luck! xD

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